Damn,I knew it....

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Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada

ROTFL, that explains a lot come to think of it. Damn, can't stop laughing. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

Thanx Goat. Actually life sux. I didn't use my pc for like 2 weeks or so and when I decided to turn it on and distract myself instead of pining away in my room,I was treated to some horrible shit on the SF forums.
Someone decided to called themself "Ballistophobia sucks" and went on to say some fucked up shit on the forums about my friend like saying that he/she wished they killed her and it just made me so full of rage and shit. I felt like I was gonna die and it made me throw up. All of the ppl though he was an asshole and I wouldn't be surprised if someone fucked up his/her 'puter cuz he/she started fuckin with everyone and there are some hackers that play SF,plus he/she hasn't been around for a while.
I have just been trying to distract myself so I don't commit suicide is all. Life is at an all time low right now,but I have been hanging with my good friends lately and that is helping a little.
Whats up with you Goat and all my INF OT ppls??


TBuildT Mapping Team
Apr 20, 2000
Toronto, Canada
Hey Ballistophobia

Yeah, I saw that asswipe on the SF forums. Made me very angry to see someone making things even harder for you. Losing someone you care about is hard enough. He/She should be banned from the forums. You said earlier that it took a lot to make you angry over the computer, but even that would have made anyone blind with rage. I saw a similiar incident happen on the CS boards, but the low-life ended up being banned.

I know things seem tough right now....but you have to hang on. Suicide is not the answer. It will only hurt those around you even more. Pay your respects to those no longer with us and keep them in your memories. God bless the dead.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." -Albert Einstein

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
Just heard this.

My freind (the one with problems with the law) is dead.

The fucking pig´s put a 9mm holowpoint frew his head.
Why the hell do they give´em holowpoints anyways.
He was driving a stolen car. when they spotted him. He tryed to outrun them but crasched.
The report says that he got out of the car, and charged them with a knife.

But that´s SHIT.
He would never do that, fucking never.
They shot him for the fucking fun of it.
But nothing´s gonna stick to the basterd´s.
I have a good mind to break into their fucking homes, and slaugther them with an axe.

He´s the 4´th freind i´we lost now.
Fuck thats depresing.

What the hell kinda ppl become cop´s anyways, is it requierd that they have to love shooting 18 year old´s.

This world is too fucked!

Youre not alone Ballisto...



New Member
Dec 13, 1999
Jesus man, I was gonna post and say how fucked up Ballisto's situation on the SF forum was.

But, damn GF I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

Ya know, we invest so much of ourselves in our friends that at times of such loss we... hell I can't even think of anything to say to express what I'm thinking.

I'm sorry /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif Hang in there kids



Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
shit goat, sorry dude

but just to let you know your not alone, and your friend isnt' the exception.

Not long ago now, a guy here in sydney stole a car, cops eventually caught him, and before he even got out of the car he had half a clip from the pigs... i mean cops glock21 in his chest/neck/head. "I thought he had a gun" was all the cop could say. The kid was unarmed, and wasn't under the influence of any drug wotsoever. he only panicked, which is what your most probably did.

Cops all over the world are trigger happy bastards nowadays, just look at the current situation on jerusalem, M4A1's with "rubber coated" (we all know its the usual FMJ with a 3mm coating of foam) bullets are being deployed against students throwing rocks. Snipers firing live 7.62mm rounds.

Again goat, sorry for your loss, it really is a shame another innocent life was taken so another redneck hick could feel good for a few days

FUCK SYMPATHY! i dont need fucking sympathy! i need my fucking johnson! - The Dude <img src=http://geocities.com/r337m0nk3y/cwm/killtard.gif>

[This message was edited by jaunty on Oct 01, 2000 at 10:35.]


Jun 6, 2000
Visit site
yeah im real sorry to ehar the goat. that reminds me of the time when four african american guys were taking a van to umass to try out for basketball and were pulled over by some cops for speeding. then the guy driving guy was nervouse cuz it wasn't his car and he reached for the registration but the cops "thought" he was going for a gun and started to shoot at the guys. all four of them were hospitalized, one is paralyzed, one has brain damage. fucked up world were living in.



science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
Yeah, damn, those cops should be more friendly to those criminals, I mean, where has our civility gone? All this over a little grand theft auto!

<FONT SIZE=2 color="#A5AA56">Catalyst</FONT><FONT SIZE=1 color="#A5AA56">
Infiltration Public Correspondent</FONT>


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

Catalyst,thats more than a little fucked up. I

understand your point,but it isn't necessary

right now. Stealing a car and killing someone are

very different things. No one should be killed

for something like that and if you don't think

so,seek help. I have had shit stolen from me,but

I hardly think the asshole that did it should

have his life stolen from him. Go look up the

word tact guy. /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

GF,dude,I am sorry about your friend. Don't let

Catalyst's sarcastic attitude piss you off. I

fuckin hate cops too,they are the scum of the

earth. They are little,pathetic,men than need to

feel all big and powerful,so they get a gun and a

badge and start harrassing people. Fuck em all.

Once again,I am sorry for your loss and I

understand how you are feeling right now,I am

still there myself.


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
I'm not going to defend the cops that shot GF's friend, I wasn't there so I don't know if the shooting was "justified".

But I know a lot of cops,and Ballistophobia, when the shit hits the fan you're going to pray that a cop shows up to save your ass.

There are definatly some bubbas that just want the gun and badge for the sense of power, but most cops are just like the rest of us. They're just doing their job.

One of the big myths is that they love to shoot people, this is bullshit. The vast majority of police officers NEVER DRAW AND FIRE THEIR WEAPON IN THE LINE OF DUTY, EVER. I've known cops with over 30 years on the force who have NEVER fired their weapon except at the range.

A friend of mine's dad is (was) a cop, he had to shoot a 16 year old kid (after the kid put 4 9mm rounds in him first). To this day he regrets it, and feels that even though the shooting was judged justifiable (and I don't know anyone who would disagree) he feels he did something wrong. (this is why he took early retirement.

There are bad cops out there, but the vast majority are good, hard working honest people.


Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
I dont know if there are good pig´s, all i know is that i´we never met one.

Got more info.

There never was a knife, they said they thought they saw one.
My freind only made it 1 fucking meter away from the car, and he was lying at its front, wich to me indicates that he was running away from the pig´s parked BEHIND him, and not charging them.

But they´re invastgating themselves, since we dont have an internal afairs department, so guess what will happen.
They´ll walk.....and continue to "protect" the puplic.
Its happend so many times before (thoug usualy not with gun fire) and it´ll happen again.

Atleast i can still shoot security guards in half-life.



Sep 8, 2000
Most everything you do involves a certain amount of risk. I can empathize here, but also look: If you are doing something illegal, there's a lot of risk revolving around your head in regards to the law.

It's not too often cops fuck up although the media likes you to hear about it; sometimes it's just designed to make people sympathize for the criminal who ended up getting killed rather than serving time on peoples' tax money. It's a risk you take, regardless of someone else's mistake, i.e. the cops, the pigs, those fuckers, the authorities and it all sounds unfair, doesn't it?

I comprehend this isn't a talk of politics or philosophy but rather a personal tragedy that cuts deeper than reason or objectivity. It always hurts to lose.


Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA

Personally,I have a big problem with authority.
We are all born free,so I just believe people
have the right not to be fucked with. Cops put on
a gun and a badge and feel it gives them the
right to stop who they please for whatever reason
cuz they say so. I'm sorry,but that's
bullshit. The majority of cops are fuckin
assholes,and the rest of em I still hate for
their purpose. People NEED to be free with peace
of mind,not free with fear. I tell ya,I am more
afraid of cops than any other type of person.
With a person who isn't a pig,I still have a fair
chance with whatever. With cops,you're fucked no
matter what,and they know this. I just hate them
so damn much. Unfortunetely,I don't know any
other way for this world to work right now,but I
am for anachy,just not in the sense of people
doing whatever the fuck they want,just the people
ruling themselves. Damn I fuckin hate cops. /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Okay, so if I come to your house and cut everyone you love into tiny tiny pieces, you wouldn't mind? Then I'll go back to my compound with my large gang of thugs and continue to destroy and kill with impunity. So the only way you could stop us is gather up your entire community to fund/participate in a posse to take them out... and what do you know, you've created a police force.

Anarchy's funny that way, sooner or later it will become necessary to join together as a community- that's the only reason humans rule the world, civilization.

I don't know where you live, but here in Tucson, and most places in the US, the good cops FAR outnumber the bad. In some places things are alot different, the important part is for the community to treat cops like any regular citizen, don't assume they became a cop to push people around (all but one I have met did so to help their community), but don't treat them like supermen that never do anything wrong, either. I really hate it when people get trust and respect just because they have a badge, robe, or political position- eventually one (or more) will take advantage of all that power the people gave him.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
Ballisto is young, so of course he feels picked on by authority, When I was 17, I had hair to my ass and a 1969 Mustang, so the cops hassled me regularly, but then again I broke traffic laws a lot too (lots of street racing and other stupid shit).

Anarchists are fun, I find when I'm up at the coffee shop talking to them, and they start this whole "We're born free, man, and we should have the right to do whenever we want" I like to punch them real hard in the nose, then when they try to react, you hit them again. Then you explain that if they got their freedom through anarchy, they would be dead within a week because some asshole with a gun (and more balls) will come take their shit and they won't be able to do jack shit about it other then getting on their knees and begging.

Anarchy ALWAYS ends up in either Tyranny or Feudalsim, and most of the anarchists I know aren't capable of building an army or fighting against a mob by themselves. (well, there are a couple of skinheads I wouldn't fuck with like that, but skinheads are a lost cause anyway, there's no sence in trying to reason with them)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> ...afraid of cops than any other type of person.
With a person who isn't a pig,I still have a fair
chance with whatever [/quote]
Ok, let's go hang out in the hood, and when you see a cop, flip him off. Then for fun let's do the same thing with a gang member. Let's see which one will "hassle" you, and which one will kill you without thinking twice.

Dude, you must be some white kid from the suburbs who's listened to too much gangsta rap.



Hedonistic Forum Panacea
Jul 15, 2000
Middlesex, NJ USA
Oh boy!!

I already stated that I don't know a way for it
to work,I just hate the way that it is. I am good
(unlike Zund and his drag racing)yet I still get
fucked with all the time by cops cuz how I look.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by zundfolge: Ok,
let's go hang out in the hood, and when you see a
cop, flip him off. Then for fun let's do the same
thing with a gang member. Let's see which one
will "hassle" you, and which one will kill you
without thinking twice.

Now come on,even you must know you don't have a
valid argument there. I am not the type to go and
give the finger to random ppl. Actually,I saw a
video of a guy being dared to give a cop the
finger and when he did the cop beat him to the
ground with his nightstick. Perfect example of
abusing their power.

I hate this place cuz if someone doesn't like
something,it has to go for everyone or else. Fuck
that. If I wanna sit at my house and smoke some
weed,there is nothing wrong with that. Who am I
hurting? But becuz some old,fat asshole doesn't
like it,I can't like it either. What about
what the constitution says,my garrauntee to the
pursuit of happiness. They are fuckin with my
pursuit and I am fuckin with nobody's. I believe
in living MY life and not involving myself in
other peoples lives. I do understand
however that there are people that aren't pigs
who like to fuck with other peoples lives,but I
feel(ok,get ready to argue with me)that a good
amount of them turn bad cuz they are feeling
oppressed by the Gov't and police.
I just don't have a small enough dick to wanna
mess anyone elses day up. I mean,you have to be a
real loser inside to worry about strangers so
much. I live for the moment. I don't really care
about many ppl and I certainly am not gonna go
and start something with some ppl in the hood for
no reason Zundfolge.


New Member
Dec 13, 1999
I was just responding to your statement that you would have a better chance with non-cops.

I certainly don't think you're the kind of person who flips people off for no reason.

As for some of your other points, if you don't like some laws, then get active in organizations that work toward change.

It's kind of interesting but I know lots of cops that don't agree with lots of different laws, but their job is to enforce the law (even ones they don't like).

But let's be clear about one thing, police officers that break the law, and use excessive force are worse in my mind then criminals. They create people like you who hate all cops, and hate all laws. They create fear in the people they are supposed to be "serving and protecting". And I, for one, feel police officers, politicians, officers of the court, these people should be held to a higer standard then the rest of us.

So if in the case of Goat Fucker's friend, the officers did act inappropriatly, I think they should be punished severly (but I have no idea how Danish police handle such things)
