Ballisto is young, so of course he feels picked on by authority, When I was 17, I had hair to my ass and a 1969 Mustang, so the cops hassled me regularly, but then again I broke traffic laws a lot too (lots of street racing and other stupid shit).
Anarchists are fun, I find when I'm up at the coffee shop talking to them, and they start this whole "We're born free, man, and we should have the right to do whenever we want" I like to punch them real hard in the nose, then when they try to react, you hit them again. Then you explain that if they got their freedom through anarchy, they would be dead within a week because some asshole with a gun (and more balls) will come take their shit and they won't be able to do jack shit about it other then getting on their knees and begging.
Anarchy ALWAYS ends up in either Tyranny or Feudalsim, and most of the anarchists I know aren't capable of building an army or fighting against a mob by themselves. (well, there are a couple of skinheads I wouldn't fuck with like that, but skinheads are a lost cause anyway, there's no sence in trying to reason with them)
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> ...afraid of cops than any other type of person.
With a person who isn't a pig,I still have a fair
chance with whatever [/quote]
Ok, let's go hang out in the hood, and when you see a cop, flip him off. Then for fun let's do the same thing with a gang member. Let's see which one will "hassle" you, and which one will kill you without thinking twice.
Dude, you must be some white kid from the suburbs who's listened to too much gangsta rap.