I have a Athlon and geforce combo... UT under d3d goes critcal and will not launch..
here is my log where ig goes bad...
Init: display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: D3D Device: Supports system memory DMA blts
Init: D3D Device: No page lock required
Log: D3D Device 30938K vram, 30938K free
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=NVDD32.DLL
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 256
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=4
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=12
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=1
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=362
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=256
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=271388930
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=16
Init: Best-match display mode: 640x480x32 (Error=0)
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxSimultaneousTextures=2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT1
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT3
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT4
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT5
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia GeForce256
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports specular gouraud
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports non-power-of-2 textures
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: D3D Driver: Textures (1x1)-(2048x2048), Max aspect 2048
Log: Video memory fill is complete
Warning: D3D Driver: VidMem Disposition: 141 1
Log: Bound to Galaxy.dll
Init: Galaxy is using DirectSound
Init: Aureal A3D 2.x 3D sound hardware found!
Init: Galaxy initialized
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 9.439434 seconds
DevMusic: Load music: Music Uttitle.Uttitle
Log: Loading: Package LadderFonts
Log: D3D Driver: Preloaded 0K/20628K (1)
Critical: UD3DRenderDevice: /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gifrawTile
Critical: UCanvas::WrappedPrint
Critical: (Press ESC to begin.)
Critical: UCanvas::execDrawText
Critical: (CHNullHUD CityIntro.CHNullHUD0 @ Function Botpack.CHNullHUD.PostRender : 00FB)
Critical: UObject:rocessEvent
Critical: (TMale2 CityIntro.TMale0, Function Engine.PlayerPawn.PostRender)
Critical: UGameEngine: /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gifraw
Critical: UWindowsViewport::Repaint
Critical: UWindowsClient::Tick
Critical: ClientTick
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: MainLoop
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UD3DRenderDevice::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 12/12/99 17:51:52
anyone have any ideas or having the same issue????
here is my log where ig goes bad...
Init: display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: D3D Device: Supports system memory DMA blts
Init: D3D Device: No page lock required
Log: D3D Device 30938K vram, 30938K free
Init: D3D Device: szDriver=NVDD32.DLL
Init: D3D Device: szDescription=NVIDIA GeForce 256
Init: D3D Device: wProduct=4
Init: D3D Device: wVersion=12
Init: D3D Device: wSubVersion=1
Init: D3D Device: wBuild=362
Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=4318
Init: D3D Device: dwDeviceId=256
Init: D3D Device: dwSubSysId=271388930
Init: D3D Device: dwRevision=16
Init: Best-match display mode: 640x480x32 (Error=0)
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxTextureBlendStages=8
Init: D3D Driver: wMaxSimultaneousTextures=2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT1
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT2
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT3
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT4
Log: D3D Driver: Supports FOURCC DXT5
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia video card
Init: D3D Detected: NVidia GeForce256
Init: D3D Driver: Supports trilinear
Init: D3D Driver: Supports specular gouraud
Init: D3D Driver: Supports BLENDDIFFUSEALPHA
Init: D3D Driver: Supports non-power-of-2 textures
Init: D3D Driver: Supports LOD biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports Z biasing
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_ADDSIGNED2X
Init: D3D Driver: Supports D3DTOP_DOTPRODUCT3
Init: D3D Driver: Textures (1x1)-(2048x2048), Max aspect 2048
Log: Video memory fill is complete
Warning: D3D Driver: VidMem Disposition: 141 1
Log: Bound to Galaxy.dll
Init: Galaxy is using DirectSound
Init: Aureal A3D 2.x 3D sound hardware found!
Init: Galaxy initialized
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 9.439434 seconds
DevMusic: Load music: Music Uttitle.Uttitle
Log: Loading: Package LadderFonts
Log: D3D Driver: Preloaded 0K/20628K (1)
Critical: UD3DRenderDevice: /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gifrawTile
Critical: UCanvas::WrappedPrint
Critical: (Press ESC to begin.)
Critical: UCanvas::execDrawText
Critical: (CHNullHUD CityIntro.CHNullHUD0 @ Function Botpack.CHNullHUD.PostRender : 00FB)
Critical: UObject:rocessEvent
Critical: (TMale2 CityIntro.TMale0, Function Engine.PlayerPawn.PostRender)
Critical: UGameEngine: /~unreal/ubb/html/biggrin.gifraw
Critical: UWindowsViewport::Repaint
Critical: UWindowsClient::Tick
Critical: ClientTick
Critical: UGameEngine::Tick
Critical: UpdateWorld
Critical: MainLoop
Exit: Executing UObject::StaticShutdownAfterError
Exit: Executing UWindowsClient::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UGalaxyAudioSubsystem::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: UD3DRenderDevice::ShutdownAfterError
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 12/12/99 17:51:52
anyone have any ideas or having the same issue????