CTFM Multi CTF Support

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Nov 11, 2004
Queens, New York

Hey can support for multictf (above link) be added for bdb in the next release..or how can it be configured to work in this latest release? Its really fun so was wondering (4 ctf teams, 4 ctf flags in ctfm maps)

My goal is the have a mapvote list that has ctf, dm, tdm, and ctfm ...all working properly. Ctf and Ctfm seem to have problems getting along with one another....

By testing and adding OtherClass=MultiCTF.MultiCTFGame, I got CTFM to work. For some reason there were double ctfm maps in the maplist but at least it worked so i didnt mind..

until I found out that it messes ctf up. When matches go into Overtime, mapvote comes up automatically. When i took out the line OtherClass=MultiCTF.MultiCTFGame, mapvote would not come up automatically in ctf. :X

Help please Thx

(dont forget to add ServerPackages=MultiCTF if testing it out)
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surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Have you tried using x3dfxmapvote (see sticky) ? Maybe the map prefixes need changing...


New Member
Nov 11, 2004
Queens, New York
yup i try puttin it to CTFM- for map prefix ... 3dfx looks like somethin to get used to.. was kinda confused how to use it.. or shold i say to lazy to figure out how to heh.. i play only sniper anyways


surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
I'll test MCTF on our server with x3dfxmapvote in a few days time and tell you if I got it working. Ok :p ?


New Member
Nov 11, 2004
Queens, New York
thx fear... god bless u! lol. I was gonna email the creator of bdb but seems he wants his email hidden :O

... 3dfx seemed alot more complicated but i guess ill give it a try if all goes well here. Saw somethin called buttons and jus gave up lol

Jus make sure ctf and ctfm works properly and both are on the mapvote list workin fine with other things like tdm dm

.... and that "mapvote (## seconds left to vote)" doesnt pop up in a ctf overtime match
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surrealistic mad cow
Jul 8, 2002
Gambit1 said:
thx fear... god bless u! lol. I was gonna email the creator of bdb but seems he wants his email hidden :O

My guess is that BDB is either busy with the UT2004 version of mapvote or he's concentrating on other projects (which may or may not involve UT).

... 3dfx seemed alot more complicated but i guess ill give it a try if all goes well here. Saw somethin called buttons and jus gave up lol

It's not as complicated as it seems. Everything is configurable in the ini file. That said, I think I'll write up a mini-tutorial on how to find out what strings are necessary to call mutators and gametypes.

Jus make sure ctf and ctfm works properly and both are on the mapvote list workin fine with other things like tdm dm

Will do. Perhaps mapvote is confusing CTF and CTFM as the first three letters are the same.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2001
Visit site
Fearless, if you want to update my readme (taking credit for yourself, of course), you may. I'll add it to the package and recompile the update for the gametype names not appearing in game when voted for. Its been fixed for weeks (I think), lol. If the prefix swapping doesnt work, I'll take a look at that too. I heard someone say it didnt, but as I've said, I cant really test it, heh. Or if anyone has any ways I can improve the usability, I may take those into consideration as well. I feel like I have some semblance of free time for a bit, so christmas may come early.

As I always say, never let the programmer tell the user how to make it work. We dont think like you, lol. We put things where we think it goes, which is 180 degrees opposite of where it should go. But also remember to keep it simple. You shouldnt need a 3 digit IQ to be able to use the program. I try to name things logically, but I'm also lazy and dont like taking 15 minutes to decide if "ButtonName1" is too complicated to elude to what it might do.