I think it was a better place for the U-Damage, umm like the Beta me thinks.
No need to go there now, not having any cover/room to dodge, from return fire.
I think it's (the crane) a good place for the invisibility, it u really want to make it sniper friendly (add a rifle or atleast some rifle ammo to lure snipers)
The U damage should be in the "Worker's Quarters" with some med boxes, and a SINGLE redeemer where the invisibility is now by the AC unit, being a safe place to launch it from...
Moving the Big-keg-o-heaths where the deemers were and the thigh pads where the super healths where on the crates should clear up item placement IMO.
A BioRifle w/ammo on the crates outside might not be bad either, being a weapon that needs a height advantage, or, better idea, put the BioRifle in the upper side routes before the mover/door where the mechanical stuff is, with support ammo on the crates outside.
The inner flag room "moats" I'd like to see some bubbling slime, see my Dom-DeDeDom but scaled downand more of em. That would tip ppl off that the water ain't safe
The canals inside where the deemers are could benifit from a panning texture and noise, like it was flowing towards the dock/crane side of the map.
Oh yea, and some MUSIC, LOL
Nice map Chrysler, uh Chrysoar :tup: