CTF-LGI-FlagPack Goes Gold!!!

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New Member
Feb 21, 2003
Charlotte NC
Visit site

Download here or off the front end of our site in the downloads section.

After going through several Community Bonus Packs and not really getting much out of them for our specific game type, some of the mappers from the Low Grav Community decided to team up and put something together. Included are levels suitable for 1v1 and up.

I would like to thank everyone involved for their efforts in this project. Great job guys!

Although these maps were designed for the LGI community, most can be played in all weapons as well.

[Level Designers]
Rayden (ron_jovi@hotmail.com)
NeXXuS (earbleeder@hotmail.com)
Lurker (lurker_71@gamebox.net)
Cypher (chiluvdakorn@msn.com)
Matrix (matrix@tdcclan.net)
PerfectFlaw (Mr.Flaw@gmail.com)

[Map Count]

[Map Listing/Author]
CTF-LGI-Below (Cypher)
CTF-LGI-Bollwerk2035 (Cypher)
CTF-LGI-Crater (Matrix-Cypher)
CTF-LGI-Duality(Lite) (Lurker)
CTF-LGI-Hero (Matrix)
CTF-LGI-Ignite (Cypher)
CTF-LGI-London (Matrix)
CTF-LGI-OldWest (PerfectFlaw)
CTF-LGI-Oppidan (Cypher)
CTF-LGI-StaleMate (Cypher)
CTF-LGI-Stranded (NeXXuS)
CTF-LGI-Survivor (Rayden)
CTF-LGI-Tubular (Rayden)

As always, extract files to their specific directories where applicable. This is not a self extracting archive so please select your files and direct them as follows:

.ut2 -> c:\UT2004\Maps
.ogg -> C:\UT2004\Music
.uax -> C:\UT2004\Sounds
.usx -> C:\UT2004\StaticMeshes
.utx -> C:\UT2004\Textures
.u -> C:\UT2004\System

*Some of the mappers have included specific readme files for their work, others have not.
Contact points are included here so that you may get in touch with those who have not provided that additional info.

We would like to thank you, the Low Grav community, for giving us the incentive to make this all possible. Your interest drives our efforts. Enjoy our first release and look forward to a follow up this coming spring.

If you are a skilled mapper who would like to be involved in our next release, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


As always...GL,HF



Your face, Your ass-Whats the Difference
Sep 12, 2001
Brunswick, MD
They look SWEET!! Can't wait to try them all out and actually play something new. I look forward to the next Map Pack and really appreciate the time and effort put into this project from everyone. Thanx for the Link and Update. «BuA» Servers will be running these maps tonite. ;)


Thë Möñkëÿ Kïñg
Dec 15, 2002
Yay! :D
Glad to be a part of this project, fellas, and I'll get to working on the next one as soon as I finish up my second map for the «BuA» mappack.

Hopefully I'll get to finish up more than one map this time. :(


Silent Assassin
Oct 27, 2003
Woot ! Congratulations mappers!!!!! :cheers: Well done. Nice to know theirs is some time & patience and a lots of talent in their.

personal favorites is below, hero, ignite, oppidan. As for Lurky's map well i like it but i think it'S so small. That will do for super aimers of ours, cause if you make a mistake, you are toast.

Great job buddy !