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Jan 14, 2002
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By Edward “Silky” Wilkinson

This map is definitely going to appeal to the sniper. That’s what this map is all about, hence the name crossfire. To the rest of the UT players that don’t snipe, or don’t like snipers, you are going to never ever ever download this map, especially since it looks TERRIBLE.

I would have to say that all-time snipers are a very small minority. This map won’t be much fun for the rest of us as I stated above. It is definitely playable though, no slow-downs whatsoever. Those bots can definitely do some sniping damage, although I never saw one travel into the two side areas, which contain a redeemer, shield belt, keg o’ health, and armor. There is one path to the enemy base and one path only, which makes for some gameplay and botplay issues. The bases are a bit small, so there isn’t much escape once you have the enemy flag. One way in, one way out. Some stacks of boxes are set between the two bases, which makes for more sniping and can relieve some stress of returning the flag. In each base, there is a weapons stash, weapons with their respective ammo right next to them. This can make things hard for you to infiltrate the other base, but makes for a nice challenge. There is one flow issue, you can’t stand on the back of the lifts because you will get snagged on a brush sticking out. This brush is not an error, but the lift could’ve been moved to a different place to avoid this problem. One other thing about the lifts- no support for them, they just float up and down somehow.

What exactly is the theme of this level? I’m pretty much clueless. Sand between the bases, a smidgen of a tech feel in the bases, and the skyline is a city. Hmmmm… Architecture is way too basic here. Ramps lead to the red flag, while stairs lead to the blue. The rest is mostly boxy and that slanted sniper-area look. The space between the two bases is just one hallway. Texturing is poor, way too plain. The best texture used is the sand one between the bases and that looks a bit over-scaled. There is no ambience. Yeah, that’s right: NONE. Atleast we had some music… Light sources are provided but the levels given off are definitely not realistic.

CTF-Crossfire will make some short fun, and now that I think about it, this may not even appeal to the hardcore sniper. Poor map with little effort put into it. Hint for the author: TRY HARDER! Pass this one and go play something else.
Fun: 4
Playability: 4.5
Bot Support: 5
Flow: 3.5
Item Placement: 3

Theme: 2
Architecture: 3.5
Texturing: 2
Lighting: 4
Sound: 1
Comments please! Good review? Bad review? Whaddya think?