Ctf-Aloran's fate BETA

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Jan 8, 2002
New Zealand
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here's some screens

The polys max out at about 320, but only in about 2 points in the map, its mostly 180-280 everywhere else. There are no solid brushes(there-fore no BSP errors), the map is made up entirely of semi-solid, non-solid sheet and subtracted brushes. Its pretty big as you can see from the shots. Im a bit worried that ive made the map too big and open so i need a few opinions, if you thiink can help me go to the playtesting forum at: http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=99596
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New Member
Jan 8, 2002
New Zealand
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Originally posted by Hourences
shots dont look bad, maybe ill play it if i find time, btw making everything semi solids doesnt guarantees for no bsp errors

Yeah true, BSP errors can still occur when a map is built with only semi-solids (what was i saying?), but there is much less chance of them if done this way.
Usually when someone complains about a semisolid brush making BSP errors, its because theres a solid brush somewhere nearby. Semi solids are more stable when there are no solids around.