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Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Just finished 10 mins before the phase 3 deadline...close call :) Of course I didn't have time to do a full beta test so I am hoping there are no obvious horrible bugs that I missed!


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<img src="http://forums.beyondunreal.com/images/sm
Jan 29, 2002
Ohh, another map. I wish you'd have had this sort of motivation for DMUT maps :p

The map is stunningly beautiful. I found myself looking at the temple facade thinking "Is this a superrealistic background image"? But alas, it was actual 3D geometry.
My first negative impression was that you didn't use the opportunity to play with light and shadow which I often admired in your older maps. Also, I was a bit disappointed at the utter blackness of the temple interior, especially behind the fences. I thought a little light would have produced a nice contrast. *I see why now. Still a pity you didn't find a better solution here. :p
So you don't start thinking I'm easily pleased all of a sudden, I also want to mention you overdid it with two flags. A single flag over the main entrance would have been enough, given the map's layout. I cannot imagine how confused you'd have to be to not know in which base you are anyway.
I also see several opportunities for subtle base markings now, but I guess there wasn't enough time for that before the deadline.

Last not least, WTF have you been thinking when you popped out the blocking volumes? As usual, I despise the overly generous use of invisible walls, and you certainly were overly generous. On first glance, the map invites players to try and swim between flag room and central area, but noo, there is a goddamn invisible wall directly at the playing area. I didn't even have to try to find the map's borders.
I don't even care if this route makes sense or not. I hate to run against invisible walls, it hurts immersion to no end. Don't do it. Couldn't you at like, place actors that push player back towards the shore in the water instead? Something subtle? Or just let them swim if they like.

I liked the interwined routes in the bases though. Nice to see somewhat larger bases for a change, too. :p
It's something of a recurring theme, isn't it bot? Reminded me strongly of CTF-LostValley. ;)


Spectacularly Lucky
Mar 6, 2000
In Luxury
I liked the lift jump to the higher route leaving the base. The middle temple is sweet, nice mesh work. The sand/terrain could have used a second texture to alpa to the rocks or make it less bland. Plays good yet the lower route is over used by the bots making them somewhat predictable. Nice theme and well realized, top marks all the way around :tup:


New but not improved.
Nov 4, 2001
Heres a pic of the original UT concept that was never released that I found hidden on the net somewhere o_O

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