OK UT3 badly needs a crotch shot mod. It's the only way to bring in new players
I loved that mod in UT99
I don't know whether it would bring in any new players, but it certainly would be a treat for those of us (offliners) who still play UT3.
You could even add some new features, like forcing people into feign death / knockdown ragdoll mode when shot in the crotch, instead of simply killing them. Maybe even some custom testicle gibs and sound fx. Or ass shots. Yeah, that would be pretty cool...
Btw, while playing DM-Babylon-Night with teamskin / bringhtskin control, the color restoration mut, all custom bots and a mix of custom weapons the other day, I -once again- realized that the game really isn't all that bad. With the right mix of custom content it can be almost as fun as UT99 and (to a sightly lesser degree) 2K4 were. The only thing that's missing, besides various features and customization options, are crazy little muts like Crotch Shot and BloodLoss. Stuff like that really is the icing on the cake, imo.