UE3 - UT3 crazy UEd problem- won't start

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Shivan Hunter

New Member
May 29, 2009
OK, just a few hours ago I was toying with my Eversion map, and UEd was running smoothly. Actually, the only time it has crashed on me today was when I tried (both times) to run my map in the In Editor Game (although I think this is a map problem, I ran other maps- both stock and mine- and the In Editor Game ran fine. Also, I was getting this problem a while ago).

But now, UEd won't start at all. I click the icon, the splash screen comes up for some time between 5 and 30 seconds (it varies), then simply closes. In the Task Manager, I notice when this happens, the UT3.exe process ends and Doctor Watson debugger pops up momentarily. There is no error message thrown by either UT3.exe or Drwtsn32.exe.

I have not installed any programs since I last ran UEd. When I ran it the last time, I edited a "hellfire" emitter and re-published the map to see it in-game. I then closed UEd and opened UT3 to play the map- I noticed the fire emitter had not been updated when the map was published. I gave up for the moment and hung out on Hedsteem for a bit (I don't have the map packs, so UT3 DLs the maps/mods as they're selected- this may make a difference). I played UT3 for a few hours, then I exited UT3, moved ny published map file from the published maps directory (in case UEd wasn't overwriting it during oublish for some reason), then tried to open UEd- which is when the problem started.

So, tl;dr:

The only changes to my PC that I know of were:
-whatever automatic updates (for instance, an Avast! virus database) that were downloaded- I don't think there were any
-whatever was stuck in the RAM after a long UT3 session (shouldn't make a difference)
-some downloaded maps/mods from Hedsteem
-I moved my map out of the published maps folder. (I moved it back in afterwards, and UEd still didn't work- also, if this is actually causing the problem, UEd is retarded)

It would reeeeeally help if I had an error message, or at least a call stack, so I could see WHERE the fracking thing's stopping.

I've got to go to bed now; early class tomorrow. Hope to see lots of useful replies in the morning :)

[EDIT] Forgot to mention: a reboot does not solve the problem.
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Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
Try deleting UTEditor.ini and/or UTEngine.ini. I recommend making backups and keeping your CD key ready because deleting UTEngine.ini will make the game ask for it again.


New Member
Aug 24, 2009
I just had the problem where it crashes upon running then in-editor game. I removed the last two actors (two ambientsoundsimple's) and it worked. Try removing and actors that seem to be messing up once you can get UEd up.

Shivan Hunter

New Member
May 29, 2009
Wormbo: I moved those to the desktop but I still had the problem.

Xumari: That did it! thx. Actually, that solved the Play In Editor problem as well for some reason.


New Member
Aug 16, 2011
Thanks Xumari, this also solved it for me as well! It was cutting "Cut" and Pasting the unpublished folders content to my desktop. The autosaves weren't as issue for me.