I have bunches of quotes from The Critic
Security Guard: "Excuse me, but who are you?"
Terrorist: "Uhh, we are the caterors"
Security Guard: "You are heavily armed for a cateror, how did u get here?"
Terrorist: "We took the subway!"
Security Guard: "You're pretty lightly armed for the subway!"
"A peanut is neither a pee or a nut!", Jays Father
"Hi Jay, its me Gene Shalit. I'm having a bad hair day, dont believe me? Look outside your window!", Gene Shalit (sp?)
Fan of Hunchback Play: "You've taught me that you
can be ugly on the outside, but beautiful on the inside!"
Jay: "I'm not the Hunch!!!"
Fan: "I know."
Kids on bus pointing at Jay: "Fat little pig! Fat little pig!"
Jay: "I am NOT the character from the book!"
Kids on bus: "What book?"
Jay: "Hey! Is that Rosy Perez!"
Roger Ebert: "No, she's on vacation, that's her robot."
Jay: "Oh, so I guess that over there is the William Shatner robot right?"
Ebert: "No that's really him."
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"Hi Jay, I won the Jay Sherman look alike contest! Well, one of my heads.", The Critic