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New Member
Jun 13, 2000
Oh, hell, it's MA 11:5 wear I am and I have washed my hands for the 100 & 8th time! I'm cray Z and eye I have had know sleep! By the weigh, what is sleep? I've herd of it, butt never really tried it before, what's it like?

Also, check out my knew sig nature, its funny. Due any of u watch The Critic on Comedy Central?

"Hi Jay, I won the Jay Sherman look alike contest! Well, one of my heads.", The Critic


New Member
Jun 13, 2000
I have bunches of quotes from The Critic

Security Guard: "Excuse me, but who are you?"
Terrorist: "Uhh, we are the caterors"
Security Guard: "You are heavily armed for a cateror, how did u get here?"
Terrorist: "We took the subway!"
Security Guard: "You're pretty lightly armed for the subway!"

"A peanut is neither a pee or a nut!", Jays Father

"Hi Jay, its me Gene Shalit. I'm having a bad hair day, dont believe me? Look outside your window!", Gene Shalit (sp?)

Fan of Hunchback Play: "You've taught me that you
can be ugly on the outside, but beautiful on the inside!"
Jay: "I'm not the Hunch!!!"
Fan: "I know."

Kids on bus pointing at Jay: "Fat little pig! Fat little pig!"
Jay: "I am NOT the character from the book!"
Kids on bus: "What book?"

Jay: "Hey! Is that Rosy Perez!"
Roger Ebert: "No, she's on vacation, that's her robot."
Jay: "Oh, so I guess that over there is the William Shatner robot right?"
Ebert: "No that's really him."

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"Hi Jay, I won the Jay Sherman look alike contest! Well, one of my heads.", The Critic

Dr. Strangelove

New Member
Aug 20, 1999
Visit site
mb this should go under off topic? mb?




New Member
Jun 13, 2000


Terrorist: "You now have 2:00 minutes to live!"
Jay: "Great! Just enough time to show more clips."

Waiter: "Im sorry, but this buffet table is for Roger Ebert only."

"Queen Latifa?", Jay Sherman

"Hi Jay, I won the Jay Sherman look alike contest! Well, one of my heads.", The Critic