Crashes when I try to join a server.........

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New Member
Dec 28, 1999
UT crash's as soon as I try to join a server on the internet.

It starts to load in the game, but then after a while loads in but the screen goes black.... the hard drive continues to access, but nothing else happens and I have to reset my computer

(I have the latest patch)

Any suggestions would be much appreciated??


Some info about your system/connection, plus any error message you receive would be helpful.


New Member
Nov 11, 1999
Visit site
Heh, great DE@D-EYE,glad i could help you.This one sent me bonkers, i could get online with every other game but the UT demo, the best i could get was a connecting message and a quick still frame of the map, then the usual connection failed routine.(This stopped me wanting to even buy the full game at the time).When i got this update i was on in 10 seconds.I was'nt totaly sure you had the same problem i had, but it sounded pretty similar. Happy fraggin. /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif

[This message has been edited by raydioactive (edited 12-29-1999).]