Computer hardware vs INF releases

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Koohii o nomimasu ka?
Okay I've seen a lot of comments/observation in this forum of the kind

"think of the poly count"

or more recently...
we're looking out for the little guys- you know, the guys who's computer will choke if you "show too much skin" so to speak.

Well, I think it is very good to see that some mod programmers think before doing what ever they do! Bravo all of you... I really like this approche to mod programming.

But now, what I was asking myself is how many feature have been removed/not included/postponed/etc on this argument.

Well perhaps none or perhaps many (if i'm asking myself this it's because I probably don't have a clue /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif . This is a bit frustrating for those who have recent and big computers with good video cards. All those forgotten feature...

This Idea could seem at first quite silly or impractical but when you think of it:
What about making, for a given release of infiltration, 2 release... one full (all feature i.e. good computer needed... and a standart version). This could give you guys, who want to put something in the game but can't for poly count reasons, the chance to do it. And it will give the opportunity for those who can to see something even more real!

I think this is in about the same philosophy than giving the choise, when u install UT for exemple, tu install the full game on the disk or only the minimal (cd required). Only in this case, it would be a version with less animation/effect/poly etc.

Am I dreaming, would this be like twice the work for you, or could it be possible?

--- Geogob ---
The only way out is the C4 way


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
"You show us the doe and we'll show you the stuff"

Basically there wasn't really features left out perse'- it was mostly lower poly counts on the models and the maps. On the other hand, some features have been ignored simply because we don't want to be doing this into Fall of 2000 o_O and in the words constantly thrown about this team..

sigh "we need an office!"

Project Coordinator
i n f i l t r a t i o n

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