Combining polys

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Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
Visit site
Is there a way to combine floor polys to make one? I have a castle with a turret, so there is a octagonal poly in the corner of a sqaure room. There are door ways that lead to other floors. Is there a way to merge all the floors together? I think my real questino is can you merge polys from two brushes? Also, my polygons>merge dosen't do anything even on one brush, 2D shape brushes for example, why?


New Member
Aug 29, 2000
if its 1 brush do merge, make sure all the surfaces you want to merge have the same texture and the same alignment, and then rebuild after you merged, should work though, for multiple brushes first intersect it somewhere else, then add it on the real palce, should work


Monkey in a bucket
Dec 1, 2001
dx*dp >= h/4pi
Visit site
I can't do that, half the floors are subtracts, there has to be another way or i am f***ed. I tried intersecting the entire level and adding it and the poly count went from 250 max to 130.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Note this won't work if the floors are on different hight levels.
Make a brush that covers the entire floor area. Move it so it covers the whole of the floor.
Move the brush so that the top surface of the brush is exactly level with the floor. The brush should not extrude into the room or any other part of the level at any point, otherwise you'll get a 'sticking out bit'.
Now add this brush, do not intersect or deintersect the brush. You can subtract it first, then add it but this will just give the bsp builder more brushes to worry about.
Now the whole floor should be the upper surface of the brush if you alligned it correctly. Now allign the floor texture, job done :)