Coder Needed for Game Set for Retail

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New Member
Jan 5, 2004

Modern Magic Enterprises, LLC is in it's final phases of it's first demo release. The title is scheduled to be reviewed by MAJOR publishers March 1st. The project lead has prior game experience and has worked as producer and writer on several game titles.

In short, we are going to present three playable levels (third person view). Two of the maps are ready for playtesting. All game characters are complete and some static meshes. Placeholders can be used for what's not finished. As coder for our team you will be responsible for the following:

1. Coding the main character to Jump, attack, walk, run, and switch between three forms (swap models). The animations are mostly complete and ready for export.

2. We will have a few enemies on each level that will attack, flee, die.

3. The main character will posses powers that will require you to call up particle effects that are currently being finished.

4. You must know how to control the camera so it floats behind the character.

You will be the critical member(s) to the teams since implementation is all that's really left for us to do. We are scheduled for a March 1st presentation to the interested publishers. Once we get aquainted, I can fill you in on who exactly it is who's interested in publishing the title. ;)

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you'd like to see what we have so far.

James Abraham
Lead Artist - Modern Magic Enterprises, LLC
[email protected]


New Member
Jan 5, 2004


The game is a total conversion of UT2003. But only for demonstration purposes for the interested publishers. Licensing will not be necessary until a deal is made. As you can see, I've included some images of our progress. More can be seen at:

Since this game is retail, will this be a paid position?

The benefits for contributing are as follows:

In the event that the project is a success, Modern Magic, LLC will decide who stays with us and who does not. But as you can tell by this post, we do not have a competent coder on the team any longer. Joining us and helping make this game a success would keep you in very high regards I'm sure. Everything's set to go with MMLLC it's just a matter of final approval.

If anyone has any questions specifically about Modern Magic, LLC please contact me or Avery Tingle @ [email protected]

James Abraham
Lead Artist - Modern Magic Enterprises, LLC
[email protected]
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
while those animal renders are okay...those maps look absolutely beautiful. Kudos to whoever did them :)