Closed Beta: BR-Aslias

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I don't even...
May 24, 2001
Want to test out this map? Shoot me off a PM! I'm very close to a release but I need some testers and perhaps even some to play it online at a set server. Some generals rules:

1. DO NOT, repeat DO FRIGGIN NOT GIVE THIS MAP OUT TO ANYONE I dont need any version conflicts of any sort or it being release before it's finished.

2. Report. Report report report. Even if you havent found a single bug, report. Report about how you liked the map, the gameplay, etc. If you don't report, then I'll consider you a leech that just wanted the map and probably viciously attack you ;)

3. Honestly, don't put your request in this thread infact, I'll probably lock this thread. If you're interested in the map, send me a PM. I have plenty of room in my inbox so don't worry about me not getting your request.

4. Just generally keep in contact throughout testing.

If you're interested, hit the PM button.
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