'Classic' 'Hardcore' 'Turbo'

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Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
Classic is Unreal 1 speed & air control, and you don't jump as high

Hardcore is default in UT, you run and jump 10% more than in Classic.

UT2003/4 has the same speed & jump height as UT Hardcore but the map scale is so large you couldn't notice it.

Turbo is just plain real fast, that's the bots on the Challange ladder in UT


Jan 20, 2008
Also interesting that Unreal Gold also has the three modes (possibly backported from UT, but I'm not certain). Classic is basically the "native" setting, everything is set to defaults.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
Hardcore is 50% higher damage, 10% higher overall game speed and jump height than Classic mode and it's the default mode for the SP ladder. Turbo mode is like Hardcore mode, but with 20% higher jumps than classic mode and with 40% faster movement.
BTW: Jump Match and Jump Boots always set the jump height to 300% of the Classic mode jump height. Air control is not affected by the Classic/Hardcore/Turbo choice.

Later UT games always use 110% game speed on the PC and 100% on the consoles. Their air control and movement cannot be compared to UT as the map/player scale is entirely different. UT3 even allows custom air control for individual jump pads, usually to prevent players from landing elsewhere than what the mapper had in mind.


Jan 20, 2008
Also interesting that Unreal Gold also has the three modes (possibly backported from UT, but I'm not certain). Classic is basically the "native" setting, everything is set to defaults.

Patched (from 224 I think) Unreal has the modes too.

I always choose Hardcore. As for Single Player, I have my speed at 115% - it is surprisingly so much better in this way.


Jan 20, 2008
I remember that when I first played through U1, I always had it on 75% speed since it's unrealistic when the speed is higher. You run way faster than you possibly could in real life.


May 27, 2005
There was a thread about this not long ago and I was given a better description of the modes. Since then, I got to find out the exact changes each mode make and found out that there was a hidden mode as well. I'll explain the changes for each mode.

Classic Mode:
-- This mode makes no changes at all and is pretty much the same speed and damage as the Quake games. 100% Game Speed should be real-time-seconds.

Hardcore Mode:
-- It multiplies the TimeDilation by 10% which is then multiplied by the GameSpeed. It makes everything faster... TimeDilation=1.1*GameSpeed.
-- It adds 50% damage then what the weapons are set and any other damage inflicted. Damage gets multiplied by 1.5... Damage*1.5.
-- It only multiplies the player's JumpZ by 10%... JumpZ*=1.1.

Turbo Mode:
-- Everything that Hardcore Mode does.
-- It multiplies the player's movement variables by 20% instead. Here are the ones that change; AccelRate, AirSpeed, GroundSpeed, JumpZ, and WaterSpeed. Those variables are multiplied by 1.2.

Lightning Mode:
The hidden or unknown mode that was not added in the mode list for who knows what reason... maybe its too fast?
-- This mode only works with Hardcore mode from what it seems in the code and multiplies the TimeDilation by 25% and not 10%... TimeDilation=1.25*GameSpeed.
-- It also does everything that Hardcore does.

If you want to play Lightning Mode you will have to make a mutator that sets the bChallengeMode to true on the DeathmacthPlus gametype and its subclasses.

There's also a hidden/unknown gametype that wasn't finished or added to the gametype list. That gametype is called "Lightning Deathmatch" which is the same as DM except that it has Lightning Mode ON as default. I checked this gametype out and noticed that bots wouldn't spawn, meaning that it may not have bot support but it can be played on any DM maps in single player and maybe multiplayer.

In order to play Lightning Deatchmatch you will need to add the following lines at the bottom of your Botpack.int file when opened with Notepad...
// Lightning Mode //
Preferences=(Caption="Lightning Deathmatch",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.ChallengeDMP,Immediate=True)


beyond Good and Evil
Dec 31, 2008
Niedersachsen, Germany
I decided to dig up this thread, because I always wanted to have the "Lightning Deathmatch" mode of UT campaign as a gametype or game setting option in regular "Practise Mode" :2thumb:

-- It only multiplies the player's JumpZ by 10%... JumpZ*=1.1.

What is JumpZ? Jump speed or maximum jump height?

Lightning Mode:
The hidden or unknown mode that was not added in the mode list for who knows what reason... maybe its too fast?
-- This mode only works with Hardcore mode from what it seems in the code and multiplies the TimeDilation by 25% and not 10%... TimeDilation=1.25*GameSpeed.
-- It also does everything that Hardcore does.

What's the difference between TimeDilation and GameSpeed?

If you want to play Lightning Mode you will have to make a mutator that sets the bChallengeMode to true on the DeathmacthPlus gametype and its subclasses.

Isn't it possible to achieve this by simply editing one of the .ini configs or by modifying one of the game files (e.g. Botpack.int) without having to create a mutator? Also, I do not want Lightning Deathmatch as a Mutator but as a standalone gametype. (see below)

There's also a hidden/unknown gametype that wasn't finished or added to the gametype list. That gametype is called "Lightning Deathmatch" which is the same as DM except that it has Lightning Mode ON as default. I checked this gametype out and noticed that bots wouldn't spawn, meaning that it may not have bot support but it can be played on any DM maps in single player and maybe multiplayer.

So, LDM and DM + Lightning Mode are essentially the same or are there still any differences?

In order to play Lightning Deatchmatch you will need to add the following lines at the bottom of your Botpack.int file when opened with Notepad...
// Lightning Mode //
Preferences=(Caption="Lightning Deathmatch",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.ChallengeDMP,Immediate=True)

I did that and a "Lightning Deathmatch" gametype still doesn't show up in the maplist of practise mode.

BTW: Jump Match and Jump Boots always set the jump height to 300% of the Classic mode jump height. Air control is not affected by the Classic/Hardcore/Turbo choice.

It's off-topic, but while I'm here and you have participated on this topic, I want to ask a question:

Does your "Disable Auto-Activate" mutator work for UT items (udamage, invisibility, Big Keg 'O' Health, jump boots, etc.) or for Unreal items ONLY?

I ask this, because every powerup I acquire in a map (e.g. udamage) gets immediately/automatically actitvated and I also couldn't find a keybinding neither in the "Controls" menu nor in any of your Mod Configuration settings...
