Classic Doom Gameset

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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
I created a Doom 3 gameset a while ago and thought that a classic Doom gameset would be only proper so here it is.

You will need the following mods.

UT99 Chainsaw
Ballistic Weapons
WoRM2k4 Armory

First, lower the view aim and Recoil down to nothing in the Ballistic Weapons preferences and then go into Tweak tool. Reset everything to defaults.

1. (Optional) Drop the dodge height down to the lowest and lower dodge speed to 50%. This will make all ground dodging useless. Also, change the movement speed to 180%. If you really want to make it like the original Doom then check the disable falling damage checkbox and lower the jump height down to the lowest it can go. :D

2. Go to special weapon options and raise the locking time 5.00 and the lock duration to .1 . This will make all locks practically negligible. (Unfortunately, I can't disable them with Tweaktool.)

3. Now, in the weapons section, check the configure individually check box and click the open... button.

4. Change the Link Gun ammo to 600. Set the primary damage to 60 and the secondary damage to 30. (The bots will keep on using secondary fire no matter how weak you make it.) Change the fire rate to .1 .

5. Set the Minigun ammo to 200. Configure both the primary and secondary fire the same. Change the damage to 30, the shots/sec to 7, and the accuracy to .05 .

6. Set the Rocket Launcher ammo to 50. Change the damage to 180 and the fire rate to .6. (The damage may be too much but I think it's balanced if the movement speed has been changed the way I told you before.) Lower the max rockets to 2. (If I really had it my way, I would have changed it to 1 but that would probably make the RL not work right.)

7. Lastly, change the Redeemer ammo to 3. Save it all. That's it for Tweaktool. *whew*

Now edit the WoRM2k4 Armory options.

Shield Gun: UT99 Chainsaw
Assault Rifle: AH104 Assault Pistol
Bio Rifle: AH104 Assault Pistol
Shock Rifle: M763 Shotgun
Link Gun: Link Gun
Minigun: Minigun
Flak Cannon: Redwood Coach Gun
Rocket Launcher: Rocket Launcher
Lightning Gun/Sniper Rifle: Redeemer
Redeemer: Redeemer

Annddd... your done! Save the WoRM2k4 Armory as Doom and get ready for some classic goodness. Also, DO NOT forget to lower the view aim and recoil down to nothing in the Ballistic Weapons preferences or you're going to have a nasty time of trying to aim them while you're running around compared to the UT2004 weapons!
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