CHange maps during play?

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Can I change maps while playing? That is, can I use a console command to switch without having to back to a menu.
The reason I ask is that the aim mode doesn't work on a Mac when set to 'hold' and in Deathmatch that's the only mode you can use! If I try to fire with the 'option' button held down to aim I just jump in the air. So I'd like to start in a regular INF matchg and switch to another map, hopefully retaining the settings from the INF menu.
Conversely, is there some way I can set the Aim mode to toggle when in an INF deathmatch? I'd love to use different DM maps but without being able to use the aim mode it kind of blows.


Are there any other Mac users who can't use the aim mode while it's set to hold? Or at all while playing DM mode? I haven't heard this one. As far as the toggle goes, you can only have the aim mode set to hold on DM play right now. Just for sh*ts and grins, while playing DM mode, see if you can't change the 'set keys' setting for your aim button to something and let me know if that works.. or let me know if you've already tried that /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif


Ok, I'm a mac user. I use a clone 225 with a V1. I can use Hold but I have some bind somewhere and I don't know where, which makes the mouse button+control(aim mode) switch weapons, but I can fire using command (fire) and it works. When I let go, it goes back. But I personally use toggle.


Can I change maps while playing? That is, can I use a console command to switch without >having to back to a menu.

Not that I know of.

The reason I ask is that the aim mode doesn't work on a Mac when set to 'hold' and in Deathmatch that's the only mode you can use!

I've used toggle, I prefer it to hold, hold hurts my finger because I like to sniper alot.

If I try to fire with the 'option' button held down to aim I just jump in the air.

Ok, somewhere, i used to know where, there is a bunch of commands that say this+that=something, and you have option+mouse button=jump, I have control+mousebutton=back a weapon

So I'd like to start in a regular INF matchg and switch to another map, hopefully retaining the settings from the INF menu. Conversely, is there some way I can set the Aim mode to toggle when in an INF deathmatch? I'd love to use different DM maps but without being able to use the aim mode it kind of blows.

I thought in INF Deathmatch, the first menu was the INF menu, then you could go to the unreal menu(?)


I guess I cheat...I've got a Kensington 4-Button(Thinking Mouse) all configurable. I got it at a computer show for about 30$.