Cats flying a plane....

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The one and only
Aug 5, 2005
Here is my newest illustration... I know it's not exactly the kind of thing that most people here would enjoy, but it was a gift for my girlfriend this holiday. The actual illustration is 16" x 20" and I had it matted and framed for her. I spent about a month off and on working on it.

It looks a little washed out since my big printer tends to print two shades darker than my screen. Making the plane took the longest, there are alot of details you can't see at this size including many, many rivets.

I had a few people think the cats were photos...nope! Here is a close up.

Oh, she cried when I gave it to her. No, not like that, get your head out of the gutter.


Sep 17, 2004
Nice work!

They looked like photo TBH. I do belive it took over a month, and require lots of digital painting qualities.

Good job :)


The one and only
Aug 5, 2005
NeoNite said:
Photo realistic? The eyes are a dead giveaway it's the opposite!

Nice pic, though.


I thought it was pretty obvious, but when I printed it out a few people at work were sure it was just a photo of her cats. But they weren't right up close to it either. Each hair was painted individually, but since I have a wacom tablet it was easy. I paint a lot of animals for my job so hair comes pretty naturally for me.

My dad thought the plane was a photo, but that totally looks fake to me. Oh, and I spelled tabbys wrong (it should have been tabbies), but I can just claim that cats don't know how to spell.


Apr 9, 2004
South Carolina
Damn, nice! Love the detail on the cat's fur, and the ground looks awesome :tup:

What did you use for this, a tablet and photoshop or something?


The one and only
Aug 5, 2005
igNiTion said:
What did you use for this, a tablet and photoshop or something?

Wacom Intus 2, a must when doing this kind of thing. A mouse only gives you so much control with brush strokes. The whole thing was painted in PhotoShop, but I used a very rough airplane in 3D to get the perspective right:

As you can see, I really didn't use the 3d model for much, just something to give me a basic shape to work with.

tool said:
That is absolutely amazing looking. Do you do this as a career?

I currently work for one of the top video game companies (not EA) as the Senior Artist. I've done just about everything at this point, from 8-bit sprites to 3D modeling. You can go to any store that sells video games and see at least a few dozen titles that I've done. I stopped counting many years ago, but I've worked on over 300 games, and yet I still get a thrill seeing artwork I did sitting on the shelves. I even put my face face on a box cover once, just very, very small so nobody would notice except me. :)


От България
Feb 17, 2003
Those are some cats! Nicely done I should say. Btw, if I have to be picky about stuff (I dont) I would have to ask why the two cats' pupils are different sizes?? Drugs?

And is it ok with you to say what company you work for so I can atleast try and find a pic of a person on a box? It will be like finding Waldo!

Everybody wins!


The one and only
Aug 5, 2005
jevus said:
Those are some cats! Nicely done I should say. Btw, if I have to be picky about stuff (I dont) I would have to ask why the two cats' pupils are different sizes?? Drugs?

And is it ok with you to say what company you work for so I can atleast try and find a pic of a person on a box? It will be like finding Waldo!

Everybody wins!

Drugs? Honestly that would explain a lot about that cat, he's nuts most days. :) That cat just always seems to have HUGE eyes, even in bright light, I'm not sure what his deal is. I could have made them both the same size, but I took artist liberties to capture their personalities more accurately.

Even if I told you the name of the game, you would have a hard time finding it. It wasn't the best selling game, we ended up firing the producer of that title. Nice guy though.
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The one and only
Aug 5, 2005
tool said:
I suppose you arent comfortable with giving out what company you work for? :)

Not really. :) Once I mention who I work for anything I write could be seen as reflection of them. I love my job, the company I work for, and the games we make. I wouldn't want to risk that.

Plus I prefer having some anonymity in what I say. If I said who I work for any negative remark about the unreal franchise would seem like I am biased and any positive remark could be seen as stabbing my employer in the back.
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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
badvermin said:

I thought it was pretty obvious, but when I printed it out a few people at work were sure it was just a photo of her cats. But they weren't right up close to it either. Each hair was painted individually, but since I have a wacom tablet it was easy. I paint a lot of animals for my job so hair comes pretty naturally for me.

I didn't mean to degrade your work, though =)
I mean it, it's nice, very nice work. Those eyes are simply a tad too big, imho.
-> I guess you're right, if you're further away from the pic..Hmm..
Well, the second one's eyes really are too big to be taken realistically ;-)
It's as if he's thinking "O MY GOD!" Cool, nevertheless.


The one and only
Aug 5, 2005
Don't worry, be as critical as you want. You have to have a very tough skin as an artist, it's not easy having a job where there is no correct answer to any given project that will please everyone. Plus there is a ton of stuff I'd really like to change on it, but didn't have the time.

The eyes are accurate for that particular cat under normal circumstances. Granted in bright sunlight they arn't that big, but walking around the house his eyes are nothing but black with a miniscule amount of color showing. It makes him look ever so cute and angelic even though you just know he is juggling flaming knives in his head. I wonder if he has a concussion or something now that you mention it. He does jump off the balcony (10 feet) to the floor, he isn't the brightest fellow.