Vailias said:yes. Including nearly shutting down an entire site who hosted some marvel based skins as well as many others.
Marvel character skins and models are a no-no. If you don't like the idea of that. Write marvel. Its their doing.
Now DC and Image have yet to do any such thing toward their fans, so afaik those comic characters are still game for fan art.
Vailias said:It was about the same time they sued the City of Hero's people over their hero generation system which allowed people to make characters very similar to marvel characters and name them with similar names. Their legal department went hog wild for about 3 -6 months sueing everyone who had anything marvelish up without prior consent. It really angered me, hilariously enough, I was working with a guy who was making a carnage model at the time.
Titan_9s said:If you want a Carnage, then I want a Venom.