****** ****** *************************!!! /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif
I can't download the infiltration mod, because everytime I try to take it the browser just showes me a blank screen.
I posted about the same problem back in 02-17-2000, and got the answer to my question. But when I searched for it, I was told that that file is no longer on the server!
Is this some kind of a conspiracy against a poor fin that would finally like to get playing this game thank you very much!
I can't download the infiltration mod, because everytime I try to take it the browser just showes me a blank screen.
I posted about the same problem back in 02-17-2000, and got the answer to my question. But when I searched for it, I was told that that file is no longer on the server!
Is this some kind of a conspiracy against a poor fin that would finally like to get playing this game thank you very much!