Usually it's no problem to replace a missing package, but what if the package is that elusive myLevel one that has no file to copy and paste to replace it?
My level was coming along quite nicely, and recently upon loading I get;
UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
OS: Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7600)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 1596 MHz with 4095MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M (8723)
Failed to enter C:\UT2004\Maps\!BreannesHaven5.ut2: Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free
I get no editor errors or UnrealEd saying "Hey, you're missing this package' when I load the level. Everything loads dandy until I try firing it up in the game itself. Is there any third party program that can help me further narrow down what *exactly* is missing and it's complaining about? Because it could be anything when it comes to myLevel except for sounds.
I have tried a fresh install then loading the newest patch with the megapack and the U1ToUT2k4 mod which is needed to run the level.
Startup goes as follows;
Log: Log file open, 12/29/09 13:03:49
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7600)
Init: Version: 3369 (128.29)
Init: Compiled: Nov 23 2005 16:23:34
Init: Command line: Autoplay.ut2?NumBots=0 HWND=722974 -log
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: C:\UT2004\System\
Init: Ini:UT2004.ini UserIni:User.ini
Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: nvd3dum.dll/NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 1.616000...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: Autoplay.ut2?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255?NumBots=0
Warning: Failed to load 'myLevel': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Warning: Failed to load 'BreannesHavenMeshes': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Warning: Failed to load 'Autoplay.ut2': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Usually it's no problem to replace a missing package, but what if the package is that elusive myLevel one that has no file to copy and paste to replace it?
My level was coming along quite nicely, and recently upon loading I get;
UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
OS: Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7600)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 1596 MHz with 4095MB RAM
Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M (8723)
Failed to enter C:\UT2004\Maps\!BreannesHaven5.ut2: Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine <- FMallocWindows::Free
I get no editor errors or UnrealEd saying "Hey, you're missing this package' when I load the level. Everything loads dandy until I try firing it up in the game itself. Is there any third party program that can help me further narrow down what *exactly* is missing and it's complaining about? Because it could be anything when it comes to myLevel except for sounds.
I have tried a fresh install then loading the newest patch with the megapack and the U1ToUT2k4 mod which is needed to run the level.
Startup goes as follows;
Log: Log file open, 12/29/09 13:03:49
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7600)
Init: Version: 3369 (128.29)
Init: Compiled: Nov 23 2005 16:23:34
Init: Command line: Autoplay.ut2?NumBots=0 HWND=722974 -log
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: C:\UT2004\System\
Init: Ini:UT2004.ini UserIni:User.ini
Init: Build label: UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: nvd3dum.dll/NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250M
Log: Game class is 'GameInfo'
Log: Bringing Level Entry.myLevel up for play (0) appSeconds: 1.616000...
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging False
Log: Browse: Autoplay.ut2?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255?NumBots=0
Warning: Failed to load 'myLevel': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Warning: Failed to load 'BreannesHavenMeshes': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Warning: Failed to load 'Autoplay.ut2': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'
Warning: Failed to load 'Level None.MyLevel': Can't find file for package 'myLevel'