Can I insert things like tables and TVs?

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I am quite new to this editing stuff so feel free to leave insulting messages } /~unreal/ubb/html/redface.gif) I was wondering if it is possible to insert items in a level that are already pre-generated, ie cars, tables, monitors and so on? Or do I have to build them all from scratch by combining loads of other shapes?


coon dog
Dec 19, 1999
Visit site
there are some pre-fab items in classes->
decorations and yes, you can import custom brushes from a variety of sources.
i don't think you'll find many insulting messages in this forum though /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif


New Member
Dec 19, 1999
Visit site
Wouldn't it be nice if Epic or Legend had put their custom brushes (the cool ones) into the Unreal/RTNP* CD's?? or if you could download them from their websites?? that would make our editing expirience faster (not to mention easier), I know I can always "copy polys to brush", but that means opening the map in the editor, finding the brush and exporting it, then import it and use it into your level... a lot of time consuming... I am also aware that their interest was to sell a game not to give all the cool tools to make costumers their competitors... /~unreal/ubb/html/smile.gif j/k.

*RTNP = Return To Na-Pali.