native(277) final function Actor Trace
out vector HitLocation,
out vector HitNormal,
vector TraceEnd,
optional vector TraceStart,
optional bool bTraceActors,
optional vector Extent
Hitlocation is the place of the first collision with either world geometry or an actor. If nothing was hit, it'll probably be the same as TraceEnd. (or not) Remember that "out" means that this variable not only goes IN, but comes out too (in this case, it only comes out, so you use an empty var for this, and that var will contain the hitlocation after Trace is done.)
HitNormal is a vector that'll contain the normal (the line that's 90 degrees on a surface) of the surface that the Trace line crosses first.
TraceEnd is the end of the Trace line. If something was hit, it'll never reach this point. For weapons, make this quite far away. Note that this is also where you specify the direction of the Trace. If you want to do the trace in direction X, this'll have to be "Location+vector(X)*1000" (supposed that the trace starts at "Location")
Since TraceStart is optional, I suppose it'll use the location of the actor Trace was called from. Just remember that the location of weapons is never used, so when you use it in a weapon you WILL have to specify this variable.
I don't know what the last vars mean, sorry.