Call To Arms/Pixel Toaster Studios: Looking for Animator

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New Member
May 13, 2004
Our Site

Call to Arms is an Action-RPG Total Conversion Modification for UT2004 that expands on the classic Action-RPG formula and brings a more interactive and engaging gameplay to the genre. Call to Arms features a point and click interface that allows you to explore the world easily and a combat system that lets you unleash devastating combos on your foes. Use different combinations of hacking, slashing, thrusting and blocking to your advantage on the battle field when you fight with sword in hand or combine different elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind to create powerful spells that decimate all those in your way. View all the action from any angle with Call to Arm’s third person camera.

The Horde of the Underworld has been united under a new ruler. He has called the very depths of darkness to take up arms and ravage the lands of the living. To what evil purpose no one knows...

Check the Site for more details.

Modeler/Animator Opening:
Pixel Toaster Studios
We are currently looking for a Modeler/Animator (emphasizing Animator) to help with the mod and join Pixel Toaster.

- Have Modeling Program Available to you that is able to create UT2004 models and animations
- Experience making UT2004/UT2003 Models and animations and exporting and importing them into UED
- Examples of Previous Modeling/Animations
- Be able to work with a deadline (August)
- Be involved with the overall game (Bring new ideas to the table)
- Be able to accept critiques of your work and offer them to others as well
- Be able to contribute a lot of time (as much as possible)
- Be available online regularly and have MSN messenger
- Be able to have fun making a great mod

If you are interested in joining Pixel Toaster please contact us at:
[email protected]

Make sure we have some way of checking out your previous work. In Game UT2004/UT2003 models would be great, but not necessary. Like all other mods this is not a paying position, of course any prize money from the MSU will be distributed out fairly.

If you are asked to join Pixel Toaster note that you will be working with experienced modders. Dash has worked on previous projects like “Infection” which got 4th FPS overall in Phase 2 of the MSU and 1st in Real-time Interactive movie. Both Members of Pixel Toaster are working on this project full time and we are dedicated to releasing this mod at the highest quality.

We have an internal playable Alpha done at this time, though its far from complete, it shows the progress we have made and the direction the mod is taking.

Check the Site for more Screenshots.

Other than the position mentioned above we are not currently looking for additions to Pixel Toaster. We might have need later in development for other content creators. We will let you know if we do. Thanks