bullet holes/shells?

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New Member
May 1, 2000
Glandale, AZ. USA
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My suggestion is, if its even possible, is to make it so that when you shoot a wall with a "bullet" gun, it not only makes a bullet hole, but the shell falls to the ground and stays there until there are too many shells/holes (or a set time), then they fade (possibly a user set time/amnt or shells). This would create much more eye candy, and make the game feel much more realistic.

Dr. Know

New Member
Feb 22, 2000
ya, I agree. The other thing (just a suggestion, and you may be working on it already) but the shells would look better if you see them coming out of the gun better. Also the animation for the pistol shooting is way too fast. That may be hard to fix, and it is just my suggestion.

Just a cool idea would be to have the shells coming out of your gun cause 1% dmg. when a shell is ejected from the breach, it is red hot, having just had a powerful explosion within.

Dr. Know


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
If that was the case, I know allot of left handers that would be dead by now.

The shell ejection is being tweaked per weapon. and as for persistant shells, we'll just have to see whats feasable.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
If you want longer-lasting bullet holes and scorch marks, download the Decal Stay mutator. I don't think it works on shell casings but it will for pretty much everything else. Blood, explosion marks, bullet holes, debris...

I hope you have a very speedy system.

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Dr. Know

New Member
Feb 22, 2000
A major problem with machine guns is overheating. (I assume this is still an issue with the SAW) But if you shoot continuously for a full chain of bullets the barrel will get so hot the rifleing wil be worn away causing the shots to be much less accurate. This would be getting into hardcore realism, but it would be cool.

Ã￾) r . K n ø w


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Jan 22, 2000
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This is why they train soldiers to not use sutaining fire and to instead fire in burst. Also my old man was a Huey crewchief in 67 (Huey crewchief's flew with the ships and also served as door gunners). Anyways he has told me they use to have to exchange out the barrels on the 60's. He's literally watched them melt and the watched the tracers arc down and to the left as the barrel went (was sustaining fire). Anyways if you use fire discipline it shouldn't be a prob


Active Member
Apr 30, 2000
i reckon the overheatings not a bad idea... the gun could jam up or something i dunno.. but melting barrels ??

Dr. Know

New Member
Feb 22, 2000
well, its not like wax melting in the sun /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

as the bullets are pushed through the barrel, they create friction as well as being very hot themselves. This melts or wears down the rifleing, causing a major loss on acuracy.

I just think people should have a reason to shoot in bursts. The only reason to shoot in bursts now is to save ammo.

Î) r . K n ø w

(sorry about spelling)


Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
The whole concept of swapping out barrels right now is pretty impossible to duplicate aside from lowering the weapon out of view for the time it takes to swap it out.

While we wait for the "next generation engine" to do cool stuff like that, the realism of using bursts will be in the accurate portrayal of our weapons' RPM. Now, our MP5\40 actually fires at 800RPM and trust me, you sustain fire and you're out of ammo before you can think about releasing the trigger. Way cool. And I've heard the Mini Uzi can hit 1500 or even 1900 RPM.. I dunno if UT is capable of depicting this, but we'll get as close as we can.

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Reason & Logic > Religion
Well, overheating your gun could happen but in real life, you would practise fire discipline and marksmanship. If i'm right, the US Marine attitude is that all you need is the gear on your back. Besides, PROPER soldiers make their shots count. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


Tommy Vegas
May 11, 2000
Newark, DE
You could probably fudge high rates of fire by producing multiple shots for every shot event (or whatever you call it). You could mimic 1600 rpm by using the mp5's 800 rpm but produce two shots for every original shot. This was done in Marathon Infinity to make it seem that the KKV-7 was firing twice as fast as the MA-75 B (which fired once per tick, i believe). At full speed, it is quite convicing.

Then again, you guys have probably already thought of this...

Dr. Strangelove

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Aug 20, 1999
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I don't want to swap barrels, I just want a reason not to spend your whole belt in one pull of the triger. On the real gun you would shoot in bursts to keep from overheating, but when no overheating happens, there is no reson not to just open up and hold down the triger. If you loose almost all accuracy if you do that, then you have a reason not to.

-Dr. Strangelove
"Stick that up yer pipe
and smoke it!"


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
How about the fact that your typical US soldier carries just seven 30-round magazines, which at 800 RPM, takes only 2.25 seconds to empty each one?

That sounds to me like a much more convincing argument to conserve ammo than wearing out your barrel.

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