Bullet counter on the HUD

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White Rabbit

New Member
Mar 19, 2000
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
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Rather than showing the total ammunition amount for the weapon in use, at the lower righthand side of the HUD, why not show the total bullet count in the clip currently in use? I'm sure most people can't keep track of the number of rounds left in a cartridge in a semi-automatic weapon, so this would really help as the player would know to whether to keep on running or stop and reload.


full-auto SIG abuser
Feb 7, 2000
In real life you'll have to count your shots and so shall it be in Infiltration.

[This message has been edited by Burton (edited 03-19-2000).]

White Rabbit

New Member
Mar 19, 2000
Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
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"In real life you'll have to count your shots and so shall it be in Infiltration."

Then why does it show the total amount of bullets in the lower right-hand corner??

If that is acceptable, certainly modifying it slightly to show instead the bullets left in clip would be much better.


I gotta say no go on the bullets left in the clip, that for me, really detracts from the realism. Unless you have a clear clip, its just not realistic. Most soldiers immediately reload their weapons, regardless of the number of rounds left, when there is a break in contact. I would be happy with having a set number of clips and being able to shoot, store and reuse them (like in real life), but I think that would be a coding nightmare. Therefore sticking with that total number of bullets would be good. Besides if you have a 30 rnd clip, and if you can count, you will generally know how many shots you have left, seems like a good compromise.

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I gotta say no go on the bullets left in the clip, that for me, really detracts from the realism. Unless you have a clear clip, its just not realistic. Most soldiers immediately reload their weapons, regardless of the number of rounds left, when there is a break in contact. I would be happy with having a set number of clips and being able to shoot, store and reuse them (like in real life), but I think that would be a coding nightmare. Therefore sticking with that total number of bullets would be good. Besides if you have a 30 rnd clip, and if you can count, you will generally know how many shots you have left, seems like a good compromise.

Want to be an Infiltrator? Get the goods at:


science begets death
Jul 18, 1999
There will be a magazine display.

Chris Robbers
Infiltration Programmer