hai i have a little error
im rebuilding a weapon to basically re skin it
but as i recompile the uc files i get this error
Error, Class 'localized' keyword is no longer required
i have tried alot to fix this error but i unno i just dunt know wht exaclty it is
heres the code incase any of u wanna look over it i just em stomped
incase sum1 reconizes the code i em giving credit to the clan an the author of the coding
im rebuilding a weapon to basically re skin it
but as i recompile the uc files i get this error
Error, Class 'localized' keyword is no longer required
i have tried alot to fix this error but i unno i just dunt know wht exaclty it is
heres the code incase any of u wanna look over it i just em stomped
incase sum1 reconizes the code i em giving credit to the clan an the author of the coding
// MutskmInstaGib.
class MutskmInstaGib extends Mutator
var Class<Weapon> skmSSRClass;
var config float RateOfFire;
var config bool AllowZoom;
var config bool TeamBoost;
var config bool MultiHit;
var localized string RateOfFireDisplayText;
var localized string RateOfFireDescText;
var localized string AllowZoomDisplayText;
var localized string AllowZoomDescText;
var localized string TeamBoostDisplayText;
var localized string TeamBoostDescText;
var localized string MultiHitDisplayText;
var localized string MultiHitDescText;
un?reliable if ( UnknownFunction130(bNetInitial,UnknownFunction154(Role,4)) )
static function FillPlayInfo (PlayInfo PlayInfo)
PlayInfo.UnknownFunction704("=sKm= InstaGib","RateOfFire",Default.RateOfFireDisplayText,1,1,"Text","4;0.01:4");
PlayInfo.UnknownFunction704("=sKm= InstaGib","AllowZoom",Default.AllowZoomDisplayText,1,1,"Check");
PlayInfo.UnknownFunction704("=sKm= InstaGib","TeamBoost",Default.TeamBoostDisplayText,1,1,"Check");
PlayInfo.UnknownFunction704("=sKm= InstaGib","MultiHit",Default.MultiHitDisplayText,1,1,"Check");
static event string GetDescriptionText (string PropName)
switch (PropName)
case "RateOfFire":
return Default.RateOfFireDescText;
case "AllowZoom":
return Default.AllowZoomDescText;
case "TeamBoost":
return Default.TeamBoostDescText;
case "MultiHit":
return Default.MultiHitDescText;
return Super.GetDescriptionText(PropName);
simulated function PostBeginPlay ()
if ( UnknownFunction154(Role,4) )
if ( UnknownFunction130(TeamBoost,UnknownFunction119(TeamGame(Level.Game),None)) )
TeamGame(Level.Game).TeammateBoost = 1.0;
} else {
TeamGame(Level.Game).TeammateBoost = 0.0;
simulated function BeginPlay ()
local xPickUpBase P;
local Pickup L;
foreach UnknownFunction304(Class'xPickUpBase',P)
if ( P.UnknownFunction303('xWeaponBase') )
} else {
P.bHidden = True;
if ( UnknownFunction119(P.myEmitter,None) )
foreach UnknownFunction304(Class'Pickup',L)
if ( L.UnknownFunction303('WeaponLocker') )
function bool AlwaysKeep (Actor Other)
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('skmSSR') )
return True;
if ( UnknownFunction119(NextMutator,None) )
return NextMutator.AlwaysKeep(Other);
return False;
function bool CheckReplacement (Actor Other, out byte bSuperRelevant)
bSuperRelevant = 0;
IYFSSRClass = Class'skmSSR';
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('xPawn') )
xPawn(Other).RequiredEquipment[0] = "skmIGv3.skmSSR";
xPawn(Other).RequiredEquipment[1] = "skmIGv3.skmSSR";
if ( UnknownFunction119(Weapon(Other),None) )
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('BallLauncher') )
return True;
} else {
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('ShieldGun') )
return False;
} else {
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('UTWeaponPickup') )
return False;
} else {
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('UTAmmoPickup') )
return False;
} else {
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('Pickup') )
return False;
} else {
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('xPickUpBase') )
Other.bHidden = True;
} else {
if ( Other.UnknownFunction303('Translauncher') )
return True;
return True;
RateOfFireDisplayText="Rate of fire"
RateOfFireDescText="Adjusts the Instagib Supreme Shock Rifle GunZ firing speed"
AllowZoomDisplayText="Allow Zoom"
AllowZoomDescText="Enable / Disable zoom lens"
TeamBoostDisplayText="Team Boost"
TeamBoostDescText="Determines whether you can boost a teammate"
MultiHitDisplayText="Enable Multi-Gib"
MultiHitDescText="Determines whether shock beam can gib multiple players per fire"
FriendlyName="Supreme Shock Rifle "
Description="Instant-kill combat with Instagib Supreme Shock Rifle."
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