UE3 - UDK Building a team

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New Member
Oct 1, 2008
Opportunity for 3D Environmental Artists & 3D Artists

Dead Crow Studio is seeking to put together a group of talented and serious individuals who want to be a part of a team to produce a game called Urban Wastelands. We are only looking for individuals who want to be a part of something special. Who are serious and will not quit on the project, so only apply if you are serious about a long term working relationship with us.

If you are accepted as a team member, you will have an opportunity to share in the profits from the sale of our new 1st person shooter multi-player game called Urban Wastelands. To find out more about the story behind the game, go to .www.deadcrowstudio.com

On some rare occasions we may also have the need to look outside of the core team to either expedite the completion of the project as a whole to save time, or for a specialized need that may arise. In this case you may also offer your services on a freelance basis where we will pay you at the completion of your assignment for the project requested.

Team Members Needed

3D Environmental Artist – As the earth has been devastated by a colossal asteroid, which pummeled the earth the terrains you create need to reflect this in several themes. These would include a desert terrain, flooded terrain, city terrain, and mountain terrain.

3D Artists – As in the above, you need to consider that most things will be found in rubble and or salvaged. As most things will be scavenged and hoarded from a time in the past, now but forgotten.

Buildings can range from the gutted, to the strangely preserved. They could also be converted to serve special purposes now, from what they were originally intended for.

We will need props, weapons, vehicles and buildings all created with the above in mind. So let your imagination run wild.

Game Description

Urban Wastelands was spawned from a catastrophe of global proportions. The remenants of humanity now cling to a precarious survival of those trying to rebuild from the ashes and those who just want to take what remains, for themselves.

Feeding on anarchy, the Scavengers as they have become known now control and dominate through fear. Their only problem is with a group called the Settlers that simply will not give in to their intimidation. Like big sours in their domains the Settlers build defendable positions and hoard resources the Scavengers never got around to rounding up.

Now you can expect raiding parties on a daily basis, with an onslaught of various war machines creatively constructed for efficient killing ascending on the settlements from both ground and air. But they face many similar machines ready to engulf and battle with their own.

How you survive in Urban Wastelands will determine who you side with. Destroy and consume what remains, or look to a new future for humanity and what we can once again rebuild.

If you would like to find out more, please send an email with your qualifications to [email protected]
You can see more of our work here at.
Thank you for your time,

Dead Crow Studio


New Member
Oct 1, 2008
Urban Wastelands

Game Documentation

Game story: It was black as the end would assume the messenger of doom must be, moving fast and heading directly towards the earth. Appearing from behind the sun, the SoHO satellite was just able to capture the image of devastation that was now on its way to deliver a message of death and destruction.

Unfortunately there was not much in the way of a warning, so there was not much humanity could do about the earth’s fate, which now was in the path of an asteroid the size of a fairly large office building. This was definitely an asteroid we had missed that had now appeared to make a very impressionable debut.

To make matters worse, having been slingshoted around the sun the asteroid picked up incredible speed with enough kinetic energy stored inside her, to do tremendous destruction upon impact. Worse yet, was the fact that the angle of attack would not be a shallow one.

When the now famed asteroid under the name Legion entered our atmosphere the angle was so steep that hardly any of Legion was burned off, leaving all of her mass to join with earth. When the impact was realized it was more than humanity could have imagined.

The epicenter was located in Pakistan just inland off the coast of the Arabian Sea. The shockwave spread outward in all directions and would tear you apart as though you where de-atomized. And this would be the fate of many as far as, the western edge of Iran, northern borders of Tajikistan to eastern Bhutan.

The earth was uplifted like a rippling ocean of tsunami waves, which rolled for 200 miles, one after another. Anything recognizable in the region was now buried in turbulent concessions of piled on destruction.

The rippling waves of earth bled right out into the Arabian Sea and the resulting displacement from millions of tons of earth created tidal waves which radiated out of the Indian Ocean to the south east and west. The Arabian Sea no longer existed, as it was completely filled in with new earth.

Then as far as the Asian World could see, a plume rose from the epicenter like 1000 Hiroshima bombs lifting fire and ash as high as a Saturn Rocket. This thick cloud of pulverized earth dust and debris soon covered the whole of the earth in eternal night.

Only those far enough away from the epicenter were still alive to see, like a nightlight left on in the darkness, the faint glow of the smoldering region, as far away as Europe, Africa and Russia.

The resulting tidal waves that generated from the Indian Ocean now have laid waste to all of Asia as it now lies beneath 10 to 30 feet of ocean reaching all the way to Japan. Parts of Australia and New Zealand survived, but all of the most populated coast lines are now under water as well.

The first tidal wave to hit was a 500’ of water, which would sweep over the Arabian World, mainly from the displace Arabian Sea next door. The water hit with such force and veracity that the sand was peculated into quicksand. The devastation was complete and final, reaching all the way to Egypt.

The Eastward tidal wave that took out Japan, proceeded to take out the Hawaiian Islands and then onto take out the west coast of North America down trough South America. The impact of this wave pushed it way inland anywhere from 20 to 40 miles, before being pulled back into the ocean ripping the rest of civilization from its roots as it was taken back out to sea.

When the resulting tidal wave hit Antarctica, the Ice was completely broken-up and some melting occurred, but that is insignificant to the ice now drifting north where the broken-up ice will begin to melt even more rapidly. Estimates are the oceans water levels will rise by another 50’, putting all of the world coastal populations in threat.

Though they figure that with the dust cloud in the upper atmosphere will block out the suns warmth and we will enter into a new ice age. The only good from this is that the water levels will again begin to recede with the Icecaps able to reform, which will again then store some of the water in Antarctica once again.

It has been 100 years since Legion delivered her death blow to earth. Now we survive on top of the ruins of a past world. Only the remnants of great cities remain in the dust of dreams gone forever.

Now is a time for survival and rebuilding. Those known as the Scavengers survive at all costs. Survivors know that to truly survive this new world we find ourselves in, we must also rebuild as well.

What bold direction will you take in the battle to live in what is now called “Urban Wasteland.”

Game Description: Urban Wastelands is a post apocalyptic first person shooter, which takes place in the not so distant future. Fuel and water are scarce and what is around will come with a fight. Two clans have developed with very different philosophies on how to survive, or how to rebuild a new future in what has become known as Urban Wastelands

The Scavengers are made up of those citizens who would like to forget the tragedies and failures which led us to this demise. They are mostly made up of the seamier side of life, to numerous to list here, but need I say you would not want to take them home to mother. They roam the country side pillaging and killing those that get in their way. Marauding camps for their fuel to feed their machines, which are souped up muscle cars with a vast array of arsenals ranging from, machine guns, grenade launchers and missiles.

The Survivors are made up of a group of people trying to rebuild a sense of community and unity. But when they are attacked, you will find they dish out as good as you could ever give. A majority of the Survivors are men and women that have served in some sort of military or law in enforcement capacity. This is reflected in just how fiercely they protect there base camps and what fuel they have to use in their machines. Most of these machines are based around buggies and military vehicles that are also rigged with a vast array of arsenals from, machine guns, grenade launchers and missiles.

Platform: This is going to be a multi-player on-line game that is for the PC. We are going to use the UDK, to develop this game.

Core Game play: You will work as a team, taking over bases and destroying the other team’s camps and fuel. This isn't for the lone wolf; as it will be designed for team play as most of the vehicles will need two players, both a driver and a gunner.

Once a team has taken over the other team’s base then that team will be able to use it as a spawning point to get back in to the game after they have been kill.

Fuel: Fuel is very important, as most of the maps are huge. If you do not have enough fuel or a fuel truck that you can gas up with, you will simply run out. In which case you will be dead in your tracks.

Game Modes: There are four different game modes that will be available for on-line play.

King of the mountain: Each team will start at their own camp. They will race at equal lengths
to the mountain. There they will fight their way up the mountain as they take over four abandoned gas stations. Once a team has taken over one of these gas stations they will be able to use it as a spawning point. They will not want to leave a gas station unguarded due that the other team is just waiting to take it away from you. Once a team has taken over the four stations they will be crowned King of the mountain.

Escape: In this mode the Survivors are moving their fuel truck from their base camp to a new forward camp that is on the other side of the map. This is a huge map, in which there will be two available routs that the Survivors can take. They must work as a team in protecting their fuel truck as they move it to the other camp along one of the routes.

The goal of the Scavengers is to find out what route the Survivors are taking and destroy their fuel truck before they reach the other camp. This can be done in two different ways. As the Scavenger has the option of putting eyes in the sky with their gyro-copters. This is a great advantage in locating the Survivors chosen route so you can begin the hunt.

Another option would be to break up your team into two groups each going on a different route. Once one of your teams has caught up to the Fuel truck in route to its forward base, you must act quickly to destroy the fuel truck. If it reaches the other camp the Survivors win the game.

Sabotage: The Scavengers have created one monster of a machine. They have found an old abandoned mining dump truck that they have converted in to a prowling, fighting fortress. They are going to use this to destroy the Survivors base camp and kill everyone that is there.

The Scavengers must work as a team to make sure that the Survivors cannot destroy your fighting fortress, as five well planted rpg`s in each gas tank will kill your plans for victory. the Survivors must work as a team to make sure that the Scavengers plans to rain on your parade, do not work out. And to make matters worse, the Scavengers will have three tries at trying to destroy the Survivors base camp. If after three failed attempts on the Scavengers part to deliver a fatal blow to the Survivors base camp the Survivors win.

Death Race: There are two huge maps in which, one is an abandoned city while the other is of the desert. This will be three laps. You will have to be very careful when you come up to the other team’s car, due to the fact that each vehicle is very will armed. So work as a team, as most of the cars need both a driver and a gunner. There will also be one person buggies if there are not enough players for each team to partner up with.

Game Flow: In King of the Mountain, once a team has taken over all four bases and has held them for a period of time they have won the game.

In Escape the Survivors will have three chances to get their fuel truck to the other camp, if they are unable to do so, then the opposing team will win.

In Sabotage the Scavengers will have three chances to destroy the opposing team’s base camp. If they are unable to do so, then the opposing team will win.

In each of the above three modes, once the game is over, the two teams will flip to the other side and play that mode again. Once that is done then they both teams will be able to progress on to another game mode.

Types of characters: Of the two types of characters, the Scavengers are akin to barbarians with uniforms made from what they can find in city runes. Most of their armor is made up from road signs and old tires. They get off on painting their faces and wearing masks, which puts fear in the hearts of their enemies.

The other side is known as the Survivors, who are a more humane example of humanity as they try once again to form some kind of stable remnant of civilization. Cleaner and more regimented the Survivors also dress for the part as their uniforms are based around a military structure, which were easily obtained from half buried surplus stores found around the ruins of bigger cities.

Game Elements: Each team will have their own types of vehicles. The Scavengers will have custom muscle cars that they have found. These are custom built and are all four wheel drive for driving in the desert. These cars are heavily armed, as they have welded sheet metal to the sided to act like armor, in these are two player vehicles (a driver and a gunner). They also have sand rails that are for one player, in which, the driver can also shoot. Beside vehicles they also have one man gyro copters armed with a machine gun.

The Survivors have the sand rails, which is the one man vehicles and they also have the gyro copters. The main vehicles the Survivors depend on, are hummers, jeeps and pickups that they have found and have armed them to the hilt, as well as using sheet metal for armor plating.

Weapons: Each team will also have there own weapons. The Scavengers are more custom looking, they enjoy painting them up with tribal markings. Their real passion is for making bombs out of what ever they can find. They also have cross bows with explosive tips.

The Survivors weapons basically just look cleaner. This is due to the fact that they actually take care of their weapons.

Right now there are five of us. We have all custom animations for the characters , still need to do the FP Arms animations. We also have a guy that is going to be doing all the rigging's of the characters and hopefully the vehicles once we figure out how we want to set the cars up and the gyro copters. We have one level designer.We have a guy that is making some of the props. We have another guy that is working on the site and will also be doing the PR work as we need it. There is another guy that we are going to be using for custom auto sounds when we need him. Right now the models that you have seen are what I have done the cars, characters and the weapons. I am redoing the characters right now making them much better and more bad ass looking.

I have a investor that is helping me out with some money to pay for a programmer.I am also buying any models that I need to help get this game done sooner. I have work with alot of other teams and the one thing I do not want is be to be working on something two years down the road.

My goal is to keep the team small so there is more money to pass around once we start selling it.I will also be asking some of the guys to do some freelance work just so they can have some money on the side.We will also have our own servers.

As it is now I am swamp with alot of 3d work to keep the other`s busy.I just want to focus on the characters so the rigger can start working.

So I am just looking for some people that want to kick butt get a game done and make some money.
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