Build Error... help?

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New Member
Aug 9, 2003
Ohio, USA
I have just finished laying down the pathnodes in a level, but when I try to rebuild paths it does fine until it comes to the "cleaning up" phase in the build progress. It just sticks there forever and won't finish the build. Then I have to control+alt+delete to close down the editor.

What is going wrong? Anyone know?

PS: I have UT not UT2003
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New Member
Mar 1, 2003
Visit site
How long have you waited?

Sometimes it takes a long time.

Otherwise... check to make sure your nodes are spaced well, and that you don't have any stuck inside a brush.

After that... I dunno, I'd probably repath, rebuilding frequently.


New Member
Aug 9, 2003
Ohio, USA
I've waited for over 4 hours thinking the same thing, but it doesn't take very long for the build. It adds the reachspecs (3460 of them) then it goes to the "cleaning up" phase and just freezes.

I checked my other map (which has over 12000 reachspecs) and it builds those fine... the clean up phase took about 2 seconds. The cleaning up phase is the last phase BTW.


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
Do what hour says.
If that doesn't fix it then the bug is because you have more than one pathnode at the exact same spot (engine can't handle that). Only thing to do there is prolly delete all pathnodes and start over, unless you want to go round every pathnode in the map and check you haven't got 2 hidden on the same spot.
This may or may not be because of the item duplication bug in which case you're screwed. (Select everything in the map and delete, if you are left with any actors at all in the map other than the camera and the red builder brush then you have the bug)


New Member
Aug 9, 2003
Ohio, USA
Bot_40 said:
This may or may not be because of the item duplication bug in which case you're screwed. (Select everything in the map and delete, if you are left with any actors at all in the map other than the camera and the red builder brush then you have the bug)

I tried what hourences said... didn't work.
Then I tried what you said. I selected all and deleted but I have a lot of actors left in the map... that means I have the item duplication bug? What do I do?

The Twiggman

Instagib 4 Life
Sometimes I've had errors where you go to build your map after a hard days work and find it just crashes half way though the build. Oh god is that annoying, so many times have I had to scrap good lookign stuff, I find it only happens when you got an abundance of bsp though with crazy angles and such. Just play around try to go back a few steps from what you did and see if it will build maybe. Editors are not the stablest things in the world.


New Member
Aug 9, 2003
Ohio, USA
Well.. no, it builds the geometry and lighting and Pathnodes just fine, but then the last step is "cleaning up" and it freezes. I think it is the bug that Bot-40 talks about. Right now I'm doing the things he says to do in this link So far it seems to be exactly as he says... You should read it cause it also tells how to avoid this particular bug in the editor.

You're right about editors being unstable tho - it's too bad, they really could generate more interest in the game with a better product.
oh well.

Thanks for your time. :)