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New Member
Jul 3, 2001
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Ok I have been playing this version since about 3 days, I used to play a long time ago, but then it was a whole different story.

So I learned in a game that leaning made you invisible not to use it. Ok.

Before that I heard someone talk about proning ( which I assume is lying down , english is not my primary language ) being buggy and proning was a bad thing.

What is the bug with proning ??? Why do some many poeple use it ?

What is considered "cheap" ? I find many poeple get extremely infuriated at some poeple ( altough no one targeted me directly ) for doing things I have no idea why not to do. I have looked under the bugs section at www.planetunreal.com/infiltration and there is no mention of these bugs.

Please someone help me !

P.S. : I am very anti-bug, I just want to know what not to do.
P.P.S.S. : Is camping cheap ? Normally im against it but isnt this a real life sim ? Snipers camp. In tribes 2 I just blast campers and sometime camp just a bit when sniping. I have no problems against them because they are easy target.


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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the proning hitbox is way too small.
Any shots going into the head/legs will go right through them. For a shot to be effective, it has to pass through the waist area of the model. This makes proners hard to deal with up close, or from underneath.
The next problem is that the proning often occurs at odd angles. Combine this with people proning in the corner, and all a passing player can see it the proner's backpack.
The last complaint with prone is that it occurs too fast, and some people can practically dodge bullets by proning really fast with the touch of a buton.