bugs in Multiplayer

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i play at SOB server everyday..
it seems that it boots everyone of the server about every 5 mins or so...
please check into it. It makes STANDOFF impossible. Also it seems to telefrag you sometimes when the round starts sometimes.


Indeed, and server operators have looked into it on our end and have found nothing that would cause any of these bugs, so it must be on your end /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

[ Jedi Catch ]
SOB Clan and Jedi Forums


Aye...we are working on these bugs and will hopefully have a new version in a couple weeks.


Woohoo!! That will rule. I have a question. I have never personally fired an MP5, but I hear it doesn't ride up. Both Serp and Inf have it ride up, though. I don't know if I got bad info or what. I am not sure if the M16 does or not, but you should make me a semi-auto M16 that had a nice scope on it. The M16 is VERY acurate!

[ Jedi Catch ]
SOB Clan and Jedi Forums


When you say 'ride up', you mean bringing the weapon up to aim? Basically any weapon with a sight system on it is meant to be 'aimed.' I've personally fired both weapons - mostly the M16 - and you'd be wasting your ammo if you fired those weapons from the hip all the time.. You'll hardly ever see real soldiers firing these weapons from the hip - unless you're watching a movie. Even the M249 can be fired in an aimed position. The problem in Unreal is one, it has a little reticle that you can use which defeats aiming the weapon altogether. The other problem is 'centering' your view in the sites. It looks pretty crappy when you do it in Unreal, unless it's a pistol or weapon with a scope. I'm sure soon enough though, problems like this will be overcome and we'll get closer to simulating the use of an actual weapon..

Martin Dijkstra

- Sometimes when i play unreal in botmode
the bots seem to be stuck some were.
When i find them (my team)they always
run in circles where the other team can't find them.
- The 'robots' most of the time use the wrong weapons for examle: using a rocketlauncher for blowing away some one who stands twoo feet away from u ain't really healthy for cryin' out loud!
-could you add other weapons to the game?
for example:
land mines/heavy machine guns(calashnykofs/ak47 etc.)
booby traps
trip wires

I hope you can use this

Martin Dijkstra



warren, I am refering to the gun progressively shooting higher and higher when I say "ride up". Like you start aiming centered and the gun moves up with every shot.

[ jedi.catch ]


I would like to note that, though I have not fired an m16, I have fired an AR-15 quite a bit, and it doesn't seem to have enough recoil that I would think it's full-auto counterpart would ride up and be generally so inacurate. In fact, I think the m16 should be more acurate with perhaps some recoil (ride up) because they are very acurate guns.

[ jedi.catch ]


Now that I think about it, to me it seems that the M16 in Infiltration "rides up" too much to be realistic. Although I have no experience in firing such a gun, I (IMHO) don't think it should affect your aiming as much as it currently does. It seems too exaggerated.

Twig *snap*


Hehe- sorry folks, the way it 'rides up' is actually very realistic. Now, needless to say, it differs with everyone, but this weapon *is* accurate when firing a single shot at a time, but full auto or even 3 round burst it's fairly difficult to get a descent 'grouping'. I've fired this weapon a 'few' times and at full auto, it's easier to fire it from the hip because you have more control. To aim this weapon and fire full auto is fine, but it won't have increadible accuracy. The way it 'rides' will stay the same. I couldn't forgive myself if I made it easier to shoot! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif The whole idea anyway, is to force the player to develop a certain skill in handling the gun.. If I'm concentrating, I can pick off players quite easily from most distances, but if I simply run around shooting without care, I find it harder to hit my target.

When we start incorporating things like ballistics, we'll make the weapon very accurate on single shots while aimed, then quickly get less accurate the longer you hold the trigger-- to a point. I notice in our current versions, you won't always hit what you're aiming for when firing a single shot. So basically we'll find a balance between what the game forces you to do and what you the player can control.


Well then, couldn't you give it (the M16) the ability to switch to single shot mode. Especially since no issued(not prototype) versions had BOTH 3 round burst AND Full Auto...

Oh Great... another Mac


The single shot is basically already there.. in full auto mode, just press the fire button once, without holding it down.. For version 2.5, we'll make this much more accurate..


Awesome, that's one thing I wanted. Oh! I had a concept for a pickup item I hadn't heard anyone mention, but it seems almost absurd that anyone would overlook it. Binoculars! There is a lot you could do with binoculars.

[ jedi.catch ]


Yeah, binocs would be a nice feature. We've considered them, but I'm debating on how they should be used.. What would be nice is if UT supports dual weapons rather well and we can do something like have a key bound to the binocs and whenever you push it, your left hand can lower and bring up the binocs while your other hand keeps hold of the weapon.. you wouldn't be able to fire, but it'd be a quick action instead of having to switch 'weapons.' You'd simply hold down the button to use them and when you let go, the hand would return to the gun. It's just a thought off the top of my head- what do all of you think would work best? It'd be good to hear what people feel would run smoothly to them.


Talking about binoculars... how bout nightvision goggles? You could have really cool fights with that, and they could work as an item (unreal amplifier or scuba gear)...


I like your idea warren. I think that would be the best way to use binocs. As far as night vision, they were discussed once, but found impractical. They would blind you too much in real life if you viewed the kind of explosions and fires of all sorts that are commonplace in unreal. Plus a convincing effect cannot be duplicated quite yet.

[ jedi.catch ]


Hey, you were wondering about having binocs 'bound' to a key to bring them up...It is possible. In RealCTF, the Beamer is possible to be bound to a key to fire, while also holding a weapon. It lets you fire the other weapon too, but I'm sure you could probably prevent that. So you could set it to an easy access key, and bring it up while holding a weapon. You might want to ask Mouse (RealCTF) guy how he accomplished this, as I know nothing about Unreal scripting.
