Brush Merging...

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Mayhem is everywhere
Nov 3, 2001
NaliCity, MI
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I know if you have a brush where you have to select different areas of the floor to get the whole floor can be fixed by merging the brush, which is cool; and also speeds the map up. But why do you sometimes get invisible walls that you can't walk through, but shoot through (except the translocater) when you merge it?


Go in drains
Nov 3, 2001
York, UK
You can't merge brushes :rolleyes:

And I've never known this problem from merging polys.
The best way to solve the problem I've found, is to play the map and be running against the collision error, find the route it takes. Now in the editor, somewhere along it's path, place an additive brush, such as a pillar or rock. This is all fine for terrain, just stick a rock there, unfortunatly for any other type of map, you usually have to add something where you don't want it, like in the middle of a room :hmm:
I think he means intersecting brushes, which could cause the problem. . .

Also, bot_40, that's a poor technique for bsp error correction. The best way to clear a problem is to find the source. Zoom around in bsp mode and look at the lines and how they connect around the problem. Often times you can follow a bsp cut all the way from the error to the brush that caused it.:)


Weird little hermit on dried frog pills
Nov 3, 2001
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Originally posted by Bot_40
You can't merge brushes :rolleyes:

And I've never known this problem from merging polys.
The best way to solve the problem I've found, is to play the map and be running against the collision error, find the route it takes. Now in the editor, somewhere along it's path, place an additive brush, such as a pillar or rock. This is all fine for terrain, just stick a rock there, unfortunatly for any other type of map, you usually have to add something where you don't want it, like in the middle of a room :hmm:

I actually found I could correct errors by placing the brushes outside the map in the path of the error, be it collision error or BSP hole.
But yes, that should be avoided, especially because the errors had a tendency to return after some changes. But when your map is finished and you just have this annoying error that doesn't get away, you could give it a try.


Deacon Massif
Mar 4, 2000
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best solution is to export the 'merged' brush to max, clean it up and import as a t3d, then merge

and yes, the tools to do this are freely availible on the web :p