BoxMatchRollers mod for UT2k4

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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
No not a real side project.... just some funky shiat that developed in a lunch brake at work... check it out!

Official link and 'description':

This is a fun modification for UT2k4 plugged together within a couple of days. I hope it will be fun for you guys too!

The BoxMatchRollers are crates/boxes with wheels and a mounted double MG. Players sit inside and drive around in DM, TDM and VCTF game modes.
The BoxMatchRollers are able to strafe 90 degrees to the left and right if the driver just presses the strafe left/right keys without pressing the forward/backward keys.
You can pump up your wheels by hitting the Jump key. Once the wheels are pumped up you drive around much faster. Hit the Jump key again to flatten the wheels again.
The wheels react on damage if shot at. They will loose 'air' while taking damage. You have simple HUD indicators that show the wheels current damage level.
The BoxMatchRoller can pickup health packs by driving over them. This will repair your wheels if damaged and will repair your BoxMatchRoller too of course. You need to pickup some packs to get your wheels in good shape again.
In the BoxMatchRollersVCTF game mode you capture and return the flags by simply running over them with your BoxMatchRoller.
Holding the Duck key will charge up your jump boosters. Once you release the Duck key your BoxMatchRoller will be kicked into the air.
Pressing AltFire will switch between an outside and an inside view. While in inside view you look out of the BoxMatchRoller thru a peep hole.
You can only fire your MGs using the Fire button while the peep hole is open.

KnownIssue: Online you start inside the BoxMatchRoller but your view is still in 3rd person view. Simply click AltFire two times to change the view properly.

Thanks go to:
Alexander 'slimshaggy' Oerter for the original idea
Martin 'MoNoSyS' Schwartzenberg for the music
Jesse Warren Taylor for the BoxMatchRoller model
and to Hagen 'HuNteR' Jaeger, slimshaggy and MoNoSyS for the 'BrainStorming' in our office

have fun !

Norbert Bogenrieder aka Beppo
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Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK


VCTF doesn't work right, players spawn at each other's bases. And there's a big peformance issue. But it's such a stupid idea, it's fun ;). Anyone tried the Crate gametypes?
EDIT: Also, the HUD wasn't working for me.
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
is done by finding an available BoxMatchRoller 'deco' that is lying around somewhere. You will jump into the closest to your spawnpoint 'free' BMR available. So you can end up anywhere on the map. It just depends on where the BMRs are placed.
If no or not enough BMR decos are found then the gametypes will spawn as many as needed according to the MaxLives set at the time a player joins. So if you play any BMR gametype on ie a 'converted' ONS map, then this spawning of the BMR decos can take some seconds.

Performance issues:
show up due to the BMR decos being KActors. So they use Karma physics, roll around and react on projectile hits etc. This 'costs' a 'bit' and so from time to time the engine starts choking. Happens if you play with a bunch of bots normally after most deco BMRs have been pushed around a lot.
Other reason can show up on converted or standard VCTF maps if the bots do spawn to close to each other and start a frag fest then. With so many bots firing and dying even my 3 GHZ 1GB system starts choking... even while not even close to the action and not having it in view at all.

Map conversions:
simply copy and rename your favorite map to BMR-YourMapName for BMR DM and TDM. BMR VCTF plays on standard VCTF maps.

BMR game types:
they are standard DM and TDM with the MaxLives option made available on your game settings tab. Default is 3 lives. So you can play LMS and TeamLMS/StandOff this way too. MaxLives set to zero means unlimited lives.

Have fun !


To the HUD not working... please specify what isn't working on your HUD. Check your log for something special and send it over if you find something related to the HUD problem you have, thanks.
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
The camera faces to your 1st person camera direction. This depends on your BoxMatchRollers rotation etc. So it can even end up looking directly at your own player models face. I turned on the 'I can see myself' property on purpose of course, cause it looks pretty cool normally to see yourself inside the box 'steering' and looking around.

Oh and online the Flag in VCTF is not positioned correctly... the FlagOffset doesn't seem to be set at all on clients. No clue yet...
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Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
- Please visit the official Atari Forums thread for comments and similar -





Aug 1, 2000
The first time I played this all I could picture was having one of these crates in the North alley in Iraq. Sitting in one, waiting for some poor guy to jump on top of it and then start walking down the alley, all careful and cautious, only for me to run over him from behind, machine guns blazing.

Any of you guys want to get a server up for this? Be nice to play with people we all know and tolerate. ;)