The bot I am creating is for Single Player COOP so I am NOT trying to create a cheat bot or aim bot... I am trying to make the single player coop more enjoyable for those with SLOWWWWW internet connections or no LAN. The bot can recieve various commands such as Follow and Wait, etc... On the "Follow" mode, I use the function SeePlayer (or whatever it is called) to find the last location of the player that the Bot "saw" then he goes to that point. It works really well, actually. However somtimes he gets turned around and can't "see" me, so he can't follow me... so I have to go back and get him. I want him to be able to "see" me even if his back is turned to me. Also, I want him to be able to see enemies that are all around since he is always facing the player to keep up. (By the way, I am programming this on Unreal 1 [Gold version], since this is what I use to play Unreal SP.)
So, (1) is there a way that he can see all around him, even stuff behind him? And (2) how do I use the FindPathTo and FindBestPathTo functions, they aren't working like I thought, so I'm just using MoveToward, which causes problems every once in a while. (He runs into lava instead of going around if it is between me and him).
Thanks for you time and responses.