Bot AI

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Has anyone tried to adjust the Bot AI ? When we are playing multiplayer, on some maps it seems to be a little tougher than others. The bot's do not ever seem to miss in Infiltrated, I mean in Unreal Tournament the bots do not seem to have the same accuracy. We were playing NiteOp and not even getting far down the map without getting popped....


In most cases the bots are very accurate, however the variance between maps is usually down to how the designer has placed what are called path nodes. Path nodes give the bots a basic path to follow, they do vary from it, but UnrealEd has a series of paths it can follow depending on where they are on the map. Good placement means better bots, bad placement, which happens all too often, means bad bots.

About changing the ai, I don't know, you could probably change their margin for error variables, if you know a bit of C++