Bot AI and weapon selection

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Feb 13, 2002
Yes, please.
I'm trying to keep Bot AI suggestions down, since I'm still on v2.85, so I don't know how much has been fixed so far, but it would be cool if bots would select their weapon based on their environment and assignment. For example, in Extreme Prejudice, a bot would be more likely to use an assault rifle than a shotgun, unless they were raiding one of the houses. Also, it would be cool if you could check a bot's loadout from the command menu, so for example, if you needed a bot to camp somewhere and snipe, you assign your "hold this position" command to the bot with the longest range weapon.
I guess one simple way to do this would to have a prefered weapons type for each map. Also, it would be cool if you could just tell your bot what weapon to use when you gave them an order, and if they didn't have it, you would just make sure to pick your bot loadouts more carefully next match.