Lawgiver said:
They posted a reply to your post:
"This topic was closed by Sorrow
The reason given was :
Already taken care of. Sorry! "
This is funny . They "already taken care of" after I posted it in the forum , but used the images till March 21st.
klasnic said:
That really was fast! Did they apologise or anything?
In no way .They didn´t answered my mails .I send two in 48 hours to two different staffmembers.One per e-mail and one per IMS (Intern Mail System or something like that).
I get the last answered 1 hour after my forumpost.
They are displaying
SkinCity now below the Pic .So , everything is fine for me.
It seems there is something more going on .Like an internal fight between the staff or something like that .
This topic was closed by OutlawSkot33
The reason given was :
This little fight has been taken care of and solved.
How mature, this has already been solved between myself and one of the admins of FarcryArena.
Its funny however that we affiliated with your site and have been displaying your link here... yet ours has never been added to yours.
Do you see me complaining over there? Nope