Blackwidow MOD for UT2003 recruiting

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Apr 29, 2004
Our MOD is currently recruiting new members to help us get this much anticipated MOD released to the public at long last. We need primariliy need skilled and dedicated mappers to help us - however, we're also interested in anyone who thinks they can help us in any way.

Further details and media can be found on the MOD's site:

If you're interested, please either e-mail Staile ([email protected]), or register on our forums and tell us who you are and how you think you can help us.

Your help will be greatly appreciated by both our team, and the public.


Plater model by Acumen
Player model by Acumen
Player model by Acumen
Weapon model by Fiblah
Weapon model by Fiblah
Textured by RaZ

Rival factions of the established governments of Europe and North America networked their attacks to strike simultaneously – maximizing damage as well as psychological impact. In a new world of terror and street warfare, no person, place or thing was exempt. With no country to call their own, this group dubbed Black Widow sought to destabilize the economic well-being of every major power in the Western world. Attacks came in frightening frequency to the most unsuspecting of locales. Malls, businesses, transportation lines, and energy concerns were all fair game. Public outcries for protection and revenge were answered in the form of a united international force of anti-terror “Peace Keepers.” Calling upon specialists culled from the military forces of many nations, tactical teams were dispatched to hot zones around the world in an attempt to stem the tide of violence and bloodshed.

While the alliance claimed success on a wide scale, the collateral damage of innocents was too great to bear. International relations dwindled between even the most allied countries, strained by failed attempts at containing the terrorist threat of Black Widow. One by one local governments were crippled by surprise assaults. In a harsh blow to the establishment, the Black Widow organization committed the unthinkable – detonation of radioactive materials upon urban populations. Cancer’s deathly fingers enveloped dwindling tribes of survivors, ever tightening its grip. The conflict to regain power over Europe and troubled regions of the world rages on, city by city, in an effort to restore the political landscape to its true form.
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New Member
Apr 29, 2004
We've received a lack of responses, so I want to make it clear that we're still recruiting. This MOD definately has a future, all we need are dedicated members.
