Being a geek is sorta like being gay ...

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From the land of sky-blue wa-AH-ters!
Nov 7, 2001
Minneapolis, MN
-- Some idiots think it's stupid or uncool to be one
-- Many closet geeks walk amongst you at work and at home. Closet geeks are actually more prominant in women than men. "Oh, I could *never* get into those violent computer games!" Yeah, right, sistah, one hour of Q3A and you'll be upgrading your internet connection to broadband and buying a GeForceIII to support your new habit.
-- Both have either never or seldom had sex with women
-- Both get snooty or catty in much the same way over what they consider "high art" or "good taste," even though the definitions often vary greatly.
-- Establishments for "geek culture" have been set up that cater to this somewhat suppressed demographic. Cyber cafes, LAN gaming centers, Starbucks ...
-- Movies or TV shows have often had token gay guys, and now some are getting token geeks. In fact, geek culture is becoming popularized and at the same time misrepresented in movies from The Matrix to Swordfish to bad X-Files episodes.

And now, my "out list" of celebrities that I just *know* are geeks:

Ben Affleck: Oh, sure, he's the dashing male lead in so many movies, but he does Kevin Smith movies, too. He's probably a CounterStrike n00b l4m4, though. I bet he couldn't rocket jump to save his life.

Jeanine Gorafolo: Everyone wants to think she's just this Earthy, simple girl. But I bet she's got a whole server farm set up in a loft somewhere ...

Ellen: Oh sure, you stepped out of one closet, but you're still in another one. She's just acting to support her affinity for registering domains that rhyme with -yke and runs all the sites on Linux boxes.

Brad Pitt: Fight Club was such a coverup. Trying to make him look like the epitome of everything anti-civilization and anti-technology. I hear he's actually ranked in the top 10 of the CPL for TribesII.

That's all I have for now, I'll list more as I see 'em =)


Feb 5, 2000
Yea, you have a few good points...but geeks don't shtup their 'puters up the access port...

....or, at least, I HOPE they don't....


...smells like groin.
Nov 4, 2001
Right behind you...
oops... had that extra cable from the power supply that wasn't going anywhere... at least i don't have to sit so close to my case now


bNasal Implant=True
Dec 6, 1999
the real world.
skorch- ya beat me to that punch. i just like asian chicks. kinda like dave on Titus.

i guess the only difference between geeks and gays is that geeks dont suck cock.

unless their geek chicks, or gay geeks. but now we are opening a new can o worms.


Jan 4, 2000
Reportedly, she and Nora Dunn criticized Adam Sandler while they were all on SNL for doing "immature" comedy. Sure. Have you ever seen Nora Dunn? She's the antithesis of funny. So unfunny you want to RTCW-boot her in the small of the back. Then you want to twist a rubber band for ten minutes and unleash it on a bush of her arm hair. The measure of any comedian is their stand-up act and Garofalo's lacked, Jack. I'd like to kick her fucking a55hole


Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
ellen stinks, even i 0wned her in dm... but janine garofalo aint 1/2 bad with the shock combo :)
and both her and adam sandler are way unfunny standups but got a couple funny or good movies between 'em...


bNasal Implant=True
Dec 6, 1999
the real world.
i wasnt referring to her stand up when i said she was hot. or when she was a bit beefy. i saw her once when she was thin and i thought she looked pretty cute.

i could say the same for Rene Zelweger.

adam sandlers movies are not bad except for little nicky. jim carrey is usually pretty funny but his character is always the same.
the fat clown in spawn was funny.


From the land of sky-blue wa-AH-ters!
Nov 7, 2001
Minneapolis, MN
I do it porn star style, Ruk.

NYGrrrl, I liked the butt shots, and that gives me an idea:

What about a variation on the Fatboy mutator called Fatbutt? Depending on ranking in the level, a player will either have a Hugh Jass or skinny white boy butt.



Whatcha guys think? =)