Your playing style defines what strategies you use. I can explain some things you can do:
1. At early game you can go with your teammates to hack first energy sources/deploys, or you can hurry to enemy base expecting to find it empty and grab arties, get some energy sources when comming back and expect quick win.
2. Someone should wait at defence to defend artifacts.
3. Sniper should always pay attention to deploy points and energy sources and snipe hackers.
4. Make enemy to waiste their time. For example, if two enemy players are fighting against one player, they waste their time.
5. Damage the raptor if you expect enemy to use it.
6. If gunner and techer are on defence, gunner can supply techer so he can place turrets, setup forcewalls easier.
7. If someone is in juggernaut (tank), jump on it and shoot down shock lance/ emp nades, when he exits and if juggernaut is not damaged too much, you can hop in and frag him.
8. Take some anti-vehilce weapon before camping in jugg. So if someone is on top of your jugg, you can exit it and (if he enters jugg) destroy jugg.
9. If jugg stands near wall you can frag someone who is on top by shooting at wall (i need to test this in UTXMP)
10. If you are gunner and someone is chasing you go through teleporter and place a mine near it. Wait for him and shoot your mine.
11. If you are fighting someone in plain place and there is new shiny raptor nearby, the one who first hops in turret wins in most cases (i still expect raptor turret to become usefull again in UTXMP)
12. When dodge jumping, dodging right or left while still going forward results in greater distance and is easier to do.
Well i end up with simple tips, not strategy. Sorry