hi, i'd like to temporarily modify or subclass the HumanBotPlus actor to allow FellOutOfWorld() (Actor event) to log the bot's location when called. My log shows that every once in a while a bot falls out of the world, and i can't figure out where this is happening.
My UnrealScripting to this point involves subclassing actors and adding them to my map. I have no idea how i can get my own version of HumanBotPlus to be the bots used in botmatch while testing my map. Do i have create a whole new version of the game for this? If so, would appreciate a tutorial or instruction on the simplest set of steps i'd need to take to accomplish the logging .... thanks.
My UnrealScripting to this point involves subclassing actors and adding them to my map. I have no idea how i can get my own version of HumanBotPlus to be the bots used in botmatch while testing my map. Do i have create a whole new version of the game for this? If so, would appreciate a tutorial or instruction on the simplest set of steps i'd need to take to accomplish the logging .... thanks.