Bad Models

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New Member
Jun 6, 2000
Of these WORST models in Infiltration 2.X do you think is the worst of them all?

You suck

[This message was edited by SiliconSurfer on Jun 08, 2000 at 00:24.]


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US

After thinking hard and long about how to reply to this post in a calm and professional way, I've decided it doesn't deserve a calm or professional reply.

Go to hell.

The 2.x models might not be the INF team's final work, but it is their work, and you have no right to disrespect them like that. And it's not just this pathetic poll, it is blatantly obvious that your the only one dumb enough to mark "All of them are AWFUL!". So unless your some kind of ****ing expert on 3d art and could have the weapons modeled, skinned, and animated in the same limited amount of time they set aside from working on later versions of INF, just shut the **** up.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


New Member
Jun 6, 2000
That poll was MY OPINION (and of course any one else who voted and might of thought they were awful). Hmmmm, methinks that i should of posted this on the "somthing awful" forum.....

You suck


New Member
May 28, 2000

As much as I hate to propagate a string which clearly deserves to be deleted and forgotten, I feel that I should "say" a few words.
Call it my way of trying to reach out to the poor, socially inept Fukk-ups that wander into this little enclave from time to time.

What precisely the hell do you expect to achieve by coming in here and talking shit about someone else's hard work? What RIGHT do you have to come in here and talk shit about someone else's hard work?

If you have a problem with the models, there are _far_ better ways to suggest they be improved. (Not that anyone else seems to think the models are anything other than superb.)

Just in case you'd somehow forgotten this whole "Ettiquite" thing, here are a few pointers.

1. You do not,(repeat, DO NOT) disrespect the entire community on your FIRST POST.

2. Unless you are willing (and able)to do things better yourself, DO NOT bitch about other people's work. Remember, these people are doing this as a FAVOR to YOU. They do not need your shit.

From your post(s), I have drawn the conclusion that you are either simply supremely ignorant, or simply trying to be a jackass.

In case of the former, you have my deepest sympathies. Now go away.

In case of the latter, please do not labor under the illusion that your opinion matters in any way to any of us here, other than being a mild irritant. I am not going to cry myself to sleep at night because some Worthless out on the net who doesn't know me thinks I suck. You are of no consequence to me whatsoever.

I realise that the INF boards are unlike most other gaming forums, where you can call yourself BaLLsUcKeR666 and flame whoever you want. Maybe this has confused you. Hopefully you will correct your error. Quickly. If not, you will be best served by not returning.

//thus endeth the sermon//


New Member
May 16, 2000
I agree with AK and Deadeye Dan on this.

That post of yours did show a remarkable lack of tact. You could have phrased it better, saying something along the lines of "You know, I think that the Mp5 and Robar models could have been a bit better. While I cannot improve on them myself, here are a few suggestions: <Insert suggestion>"

However, you took an approach that royally pissed off a few people here, and irritated me. Infiltration is one of the best MODs I have ever played, and it would be nice if you would try not to be such an ass.


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
So, looks like this poll of yours wasn't the best idea..

Though many ppl over here are somewhat biased about INF - including myself - you should think about some points mentioned here.
I think it's kinda usual to criticize something, which we ourselves couldn't make better, but to be true, the 'old' INF weapon models are far from awful. I've seen much bullshit out there when it comes to modeling real weapons, and the old INF models look better than most things I saw.

Maybe a better approach would have been:
'which of the new weapon models do you like best - compared to the old ones..'

Whatever, at least you didn't start to compare them with the CS models..


anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


New Member
May 31, 2000
Dont Complain!!!!

I think INF is the best!!! and if you dont like it go out and buy Spec Ops 2 and see what a real bad game is all about you idiot, then you can complain. This is free and the guys in the INF are doing a fantastic job.
"Go and Play with your jostick"


New Member
May 17, 2000
the robar is a real fun gun and a unique one to INF its one of my favorites, bolt action rifle, hehe cool, everything can always be treaked a little as time goes by but lighten up dude..........


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
As much as I'm sure you're all expecting a nice, bitter response from me, its not going to happen.

The truth is that as much as we don't like what he said, he has the right to say it, and voice his opinion. Frankly, he didn't do anything extraordinarily rude, he merely stated that he thought some weapon model/skins were fairly poor.

Frankly, its negative design input. Negative criticism is allowed. Is their some unwritten rule somewhere that says that unless somebody is here to suck off the design team, they can't post any critique?

Aside from the M9, which I agree has a fairly poor current design, I don't agree with it. But it is his right to state it. Of course, all the "poor design" nonsense has been taken care of with 2.8 and 3.0, so that's a loverly little bit.

Dead bodies everywhere


New Member
Apr 11, 2000
Per usual, I gotta go with Bad Mojo here...I was a little shocked at the reaction of you guys. Calling him an idiot and whatnot. I do think that the MP5 and M9 look a little icky, to be honest. So they need a little work. Big deal. Don't blow up in this guy's face. And Ak, I don't want to rip on you cause you seem cool, but telling him not to disrespect the community on his first post when you've only got 12 posts under your belt yourself? Well...
Anyways, let him alone guys. He didn't intend for this to happen, I'm sure.

---Gringle, webmaster of The Redeemer


de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Well like AK, Wyvern, and Snakeye said, it wasn't so much his expressing his opinion it was the way he said it, the name of the thread and the capitalization of the most disrespectful words, and the fact that he created the choice "All of them are AWFUL!!! Come save us Maxx3D!" (now it's "All of the above are AWFUL!!!") so he could say it but deny he said it, etc.

Although I'm sure the INF team is far too cool to take offense, his anything but tactful manner, the fact that the models are better than alot of the other stuff I've seen out there, and the fact that they're just part of a tiny port-over with a few tweaks and most of the 2.8 weapons are done already, and the fact that the INF team has real lives and are doing this in their spare time, make this thread a little hard to not get pissed at.

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!


Real Maps Coordinator
One you have to keep in mind that the models are from U1 when Warren was still getting his modelling legs. Look at the 2.8 models, and I think he deserves much props.

I think the question was rude, from someone who has no sense of tact and was possibly flame baiting. I like the way that the community acts to people who think they either know everything, or have nothing but negative comments to give. INF has an excellent community and if people cant be respectful or contribute in a mildly positive manner then they reap what they sow. I think that the respect and general level thought that is given in this commuity is rare and that it should be preserved. I rue the day when its nothing but 14 y.o. kids calling each other 'gay' and want to stave that off as long as possible.

RealMaps Site Co-Founder/Coordinator
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"Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese Proverb


New Member
May 28, 2000
an apology of sorts.

First off, Gringle, thanks for giving me a smile before blowing my head off. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif
It was not my intention to compare dick sizes(ie. posting #s)as a measure of community worth, or in an attempt to prove my point. I was simply trying to get across that it makes a poor impression to slander people with your first post (Or any post, for that matter). I am not trying to claim any authority based on posting numbers, as I realize that I have a ridiculously small number of posts myself.

Based on what was written in my earlier posting, however, you were right on the mark. I should have clarified myself. Thank you for calling me on it. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Secondly, if SiliconSurfer is reading this, I would like to offer limited apologies. When I wrote my message it was under the influence of negative emotions brought about by the infinite stupidity of humankind. (I'd had a realllly shitty day) I let my negative feelings get into my writing, which turned out harsher than it should have been. I still think you were mistaken with posting as you did, but my post was more severe than it should have been. For that I aspologize.

Now let's forget this crap and let the string go dead.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Just so you all know, we decided to trace the IP addresses of whoever voted in the above poll. Because of your insensitivity we are going to ban you from downloading any and all future versions of Infiltration.

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Dr. Strangelove

New Member
Aug 20, 1999
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WOW you scared me...and I was only thinking about voting /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

-Dr. Strangelove

"If a President of the
United States ever lied
to the American
people, he should
resign." -- Bill Clinton,
July 1974