You have the right to remain vocal
1. I am not a mapper, but I am a map collector.
2. In my opinion I don't see what the issue is with NC reviewers being "harsh", "tough", "picky"; whatever. From reading reviews I actually learn something about how maps are constructed and how Ued works.
3. The real problem with NC is that people who download and comment are at the mercy of mappers who submit beta versions, non-operating maps or just downright rubbish and then expect people like me to boost them as if they are all professional game designers doing commercial, release quality work. As usual, whether it is NC or at any site, you are always someones friend until you "can" their map then your opinion isn't worth a pinch of s#@t. Then you get mappers leaving comments for you under their submission where you basically get verbally abused, and sometimes, sworn at.
4. Then there's those many instances where mappers' friends obviously boost their ratings beyond what is reasonable for the map, or at worst, mappers log on under a different handled and boost their own work.
5. When maps in commercial release or community work (such as CBP's) are
used as a qualitative "benchmark" a lot of mappers should be embarrassed. Either their stuff doesn't work, has technical issues re:build or is not original and is, at best, a clone of their own work or, at worst, someone elses'.
6. I'm not saying I (or anyone else) shouldn't have an opinion or that my opinion is necessarily "right" as opposed to someone elses'. I'm going to stop leaving ratings and just leave a comment from now as, obviously, too many mappers are so damned precious about their "work" that they can't handle it.
7. None of the above means I'm not grateful for all the great (and sometimes incredibly average) free maps I get to explore. The good ones I keep and get played over again and again. Isn't that the way it's supposed to work?
8. So, NC reviewers, (in my opinion) don't go changin'! Mappers: if you can't stand the heat of the flames maybe you shouldn't submit....
Oh by the way, reviewers and/or admins., if you don't like me retaliating against this absurd behaviour which is happening in comments just ban me. I will stand up for my right (as well as other's) to have an opinion but will happily cop it sweet if my behaviour is, in your opinion, too over the top.
Enough said, thanks...............