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Does anyone else find this weapon out of place in a supposedly realistic military mod?

Especially with bots who use it constantly and with indoor maps.

Otherwise... AMAZING WORK... keeep it up!


hmmm- and what about the at4 makes you feel like it's 'out of place'? Basically any rocket launcher style weapon isn't meant for anti-personel.. it's for wheeled vehicles, and other things not easily bothered by bullets.. The reason it's in there is for sheer power. I do agree with you however on the way the bots use the damn thing.. it sucks popping around a corner inside a building just in time to see a bot fire another AT4 rocket straight at you, and having less than a second to react just won't cut it /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif We'll be fixing this priority, so no worries.


Yeah, and the bots more often than not kill themselves with that weapon (so do I, but that's not the point

Isn't it strange that, after a bot (or human, for that matter) has killed himself with the AT4, someone else can pick it up and use it again? How can you fire the same missle twice?



After recently playing "POW camp".... I can see how the AT4 could be used in some situations.... but it shouldn't be an option on such maps as surgery where there is no practical use for it...

Also on that map I was disappointed to see the bots stick around their start positions... I know its a mapping issue... but one that should be addressed...

I guess becuase of the strategic side of this game it makes the problems with Unreal's bot system rather glaring.


Talk to Bone if you have ideas and/or fixes for his maps. He is very receptive. If you can't get in touch with him, talk to me. I will let him know.

[ jedi.catch ]


That'd be great-- and if he updates any of his maps, we'll be sure you can get the latest version on the Map Depot!

Speaking of good ol' Bone- he sent me another map- real small, but pretty damn fun to play! ...basically lots of trees- night time- small arena- scary sounds- rightly entitled 'Blair Woods'
as soon as I get some info from him, I'll make this map available in our Map Depot..


Trees give me massive lag /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif he has 2 maps similar to that. Soon I will have a better computer so it shouldn't be a problem, but someone needs to come up with some real, random looking foliage to put in such maps. A single tree copied over and over is just not enough /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif. No offense, Bone /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

[ jedi.catch ]


Kind of off topic /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif... but I was thinking about starting a foilage topic... if this grows I will.... foilage is one of the things that is really lacking in unreal due to the constraints of 2D texture mapping... if anyone knows just how things will turn out in UT I'd really appreciate knowing...

Tall grass you could lie in?
Realistic looking (rounded) hills and such?

The guys out there doing outdoor maps are doing a great job.... but there are limitations that just can't be over come at this time...

Again... if anyone knows the situation with UT... let me know... thanks


I am totally with you, profit. I don't know about what is supported in UT or if Unreal could simulate foliage better using a different method. I am also interested in anyone's input.

[ jedi.catch ]