Anyone with U4E, 10 minutes of your time please

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Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
There's a simple change (bah, depends who you ask I guess) I'd ask made to the SPAS shotgun of U4E, but I can't do it cause I know zero code. So, I was wondering if someone can help.

All I was wondering is if someone can take the SPAS shotgun, put it in its own package (probably spass.spass) and take out the Plasma Slugs, and replace it with the Shock Combo. so basically where you fire it leaves shock combo explosions, same radius, damage, everything, at hitscan speed.

I've asked the U4E guys but basically, "we don't want to." Very good PR. :rolleyes:

Not "it's not something we would be interested in" or "we don't have the time, I'm afraid" but simply "we don't want to."

So I was just wondering if someone here could. It's not like you'd be altering a package, you'd be making a whole separate one, with one weapon.

thanks for any help :)
You know, modifying someone else's mod in private for yourself is one thing, but actually going out and asking someone to butcher another person's work? I really don't think this is a good idea. I don't know about what attitude the rest of the community has to this, but I'm all against messing with other people's mods without their permission.



Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Well it would be private use (me and my brother), but I'm too stupid to do it myself :eek:

I've tried studying code. I've used tutorials, and every time it gets past 4 lines of code, I can't understand it. I just.... can't. It doesn't make sense.

If I could do it myself I wouldn't have asked ;)

It's not like I'd take credit for it or anything. I'd never do that. Like I said, I'd modify it myself, if I knew what the hell I was doing. Knowing me I'd end up getting it to fire purple elephants somehow. :D


Dec 19, 2000
I doubt it'll fire purple elephants. If you do manage to make it do that, call me :)
I can understand that the people of U4E don't want to add that in, and actually I'm kinda surprised they didn't send an irritated explenation with it... I, and lots of other people with me, am strongly opposed to instant hit splash radiuses.
Anyway, I don't have U4E, but I think it won't be hard to do it. I'm not going to download it for that purpose though... Sorry.


Jun 18, 2001
If you really want to do it, you can do it yourself...By using batchexport...
do like this:
The syntax for batchexport is (from command prompt):
UCC batchexport package.u classname export_ext path
package.u is your package, I don't have U4E but I guess it's like u4e.u or something...
classname is the kind of resource you'd like to extract.
If you want the code, you write "class", if you want the meshes you write "mesh" if you want the textures, you write "texture", or "audio" for sounds...
expoert_ext is the extention you want the exported file to end up in.
code = uc
mesh = 3ds or 3d (I dunno, try...)
textures = p
audio = wav

then the path is whene your "project directory" is, like "x:\unrealtournament\unreal4ever\"
Extract ALL code, meshes, textures and audio from the package.
Find the gun-class you're looking for.
Place it in another project dir, and try to compile it.
It'll complain that you're missing files, co copy those to the new project dir too...
Continue until it compiles...

Or else, you can just make a mutator that makes you able to use the weapon directly from the package...

Write a mutator like this:

class spasmutator extends mutator;

function checkreplacement(actor other, bool bIsRelevant)
 if (Other.IsA("shockrifle") && !Other.IsA("spas"))
{ReplaceWith(Other,"ut4e.spas"); Return false;}
return true;

This replaces the shockrifles with "spas".
You have to make sure it's the correct classname, cause I don't know...

I guess you know how to compile, cause otherwise you'd never ever tried to code... ;)


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Originally posted by papapishu
I guess you know how to compile, cause otherwise you'd never ever tried to code... ;)

Nope. I've tried, but I just can't get it at all.

I don't understand a word of any of that code either. Sorry.... it's just not for me, methinks.

and now apparently I have pink elephants to download :con:


Jun 18, 2001
Just paste the code I wrote in a textfile, name it spas.uc for example.
put the file in x:\unrealtournament\spas\classes\ and open the unrealtournament.ini file
locate the EditPackages section and add the line:
open a command prompt, enter the UT system dir and type:
ucc make
you'll see a load of text flashing (very slowly) by and if it says it's a success, you should have a file names spas.u in your system directory
open UT
open a map
open the console
summon spas.spas

This is ofcourse if you have ut4e installed and the weapon is called spas and my code snipplet is correct e.t.c...