I prefer just slamming everybody in general. Its nothing personal or anything, but if I see you on the street, I'm likely to start telling you about the lovely night I had with your wife last night, or that your grandmother's great in bed, or that your face looks like raw dog meat, and when I say raw dog meat, I mean you just look flat out like a dog, or maybe I'll tell you the best part of you ran down your mothers leg, or how I suddenly realise why you look so familiar, its because I saw you on a poster for why abortions should be legal, or that I once took a massive crap in the same toilet your half-still born fetus was rescued from.
That's just me though. The rest of humanity is salvageable, really. Though sometimes I wish the entire world was like me, as i think life would be alot more fun. There'd be no wars. Saddam Hussein would have just made fun of the Kuwatis, and Operation: Desert Storm would have been thousands of troops sitting around thinking up who could make fun of the other's mother better. Hell, the entire Holocaust would have become a play ground arguement about "Yiah, well my Star of David could kick your Swastika's ass!" "Yiah? Well my Swastika's bigger than your Star of David!" "Oh yiah?" "Yiah!"
See how much better the world would be if I was in charge?