Anti cheat protection?

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
i don't know for sure, but i do think that some form of anticheat will be included, but it should work just fine with antitcc, an other anticheat mutators.


Aug 7, 2004
I dont know. :(
I really hope they have AntiTCC but AntiTCC is easily hacked and they make new cheats very fast, we need something a little better. AntiTCC = backdoors galore.


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
If banning, how do you prove that someone cheated, if you are not using some sort of anticheat to log it? Do you just arbitrarily say that someone is cheating and ban them?

BTW- Yeah, blocking by IP or by IP range is totally bad, especially with the way ISP's are constantly re-using/re-assigning IP's. You are bound to ban an IP that then becomes someone else's IP who also plays UT. This wasn't such a big deal with U2XMP because the user base was small. So the ban by GUID thing is a cool idea assuming it is not easy to change your GUID.
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Registered user
Feb 17, 2004
Bleeder said:
If banning, how do you prove that someone cheated, if you are not using some sort of anticheat to log it? Do you just arbitrarily say that someone is cheating and ban them?

The server admin will need to submit solid proof of a cheater, like a demorec or something before the GUID of the cheater is globally banned by FMI.

Bleeder said:
So the ban by GUID thing is a cool idea assuming it is not easy to change your GUID.

The GUID is based on your CDKey, only way to change it is to get a new, valid cdkey. IE - buy a new copy of 2K4.

As a sidenote, writing "anti-cheat" software for a game that hasn't even been released is a bit difficult, considering there are no "cheats" to protect against (yet).
Sure, we can do the basic stuff like check MD5 and check for SET commands, but that will block only the most basic of hacks.


Master Beta
Apr 2, 2004
UTAN. Ever hear of it? Same system. Go look it up, they have all the details listed if you're needing more info.


Co-Founder, U2XMP [Ч] Clan
Feb 26, 2004
teh Intarweb, duh
IndianPsycho said:
...Sure, we can do the basic stuff like check MD5 and check for SET commands, but that will block only the most basic of hacks.
Here's to hoping that FMI will at least be doing this much.


New Member
Jan 3, 2004
I've been booted by AntiTCC many times by mistake, for silly errors like claiming my Homer Simpson voicepack was a cheat.
So, needless to say, I'm not overly impressed by it.
Kickvotes are nice... unless someone can create anti-cheat programming that doesn't bash innocent players.

**There is only ONE thing I hate more than cheaters... being MISTAKEN for one by software**



New Member
Sep 4, 2003
Edmonton, AB, Canada
You have to take the good with the bad... if the anti-cheat software needs to look for suspicious files to stop the cheaters, then people who don't want cheaters have to be willing to go without some custom content.

C'est La Vie.


New Member
Jan 3, 2004
No, I stop frequenting that server Mort.
I do not have to accept neither cheaters nor erronious software.
No offense, but neither do you... unless you choose to.
Your choice, not mine thank you.



New Member
Sep 4, 2003
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Orv said:
No, I stop frequenting that server Mort.
I do not have to accept neither cheaters nor erronious software.
No offense, but neither do you... unless you choose to.
Your choice, not mine thank you.


I guess, but I'm not much for custom voice packs and skins and other stuff, so I've never had any problems with the AntiTCC.

It's harder to find a server with a decent ping than to get rid of custom content that doesn't really do anything for me... heck, I don't think I've ever heard any of the taunts, etc., in UT2k4.

To each their own.


New Member
Jan 3, 2004
You must also consider...
How could AntiTCC mistake a "sound" file for a cheat?
I'm not a coder... but that certainly seems odd.
If an anticheat protection errors that easily, I think kickvote/ban works just fine.
I even spent the better part of a year patrolling a trio of extremely popular servers back in the original Unreal.
Actually, the personal interaction with the players at that level is something I rather miss.

Don't misunderstand and think I am in any way against anticheat software... not at all.
I am against any protection software that isn't totally transparent to my gaming experience.
This also includes crapware cd protection schemes.
You can take a look at any NOCD site and find a crack for virtually ANY title released... allowing it to be played without the CD.
Since this is true, and would seem to show that CD protection schemes are pretty much useless, then why are they still being used on nearly every title that reaches retail? They aren't stopping those that pirate the games... not at all.
Who suffers then?
I do... I currently have about 20 titles installed on my PC, and each one cries for the CD in order for me to play it.
Some actually run poorly because of the protection software and I had to use a NOCD crack just to make them play correctly.
This, in turn, made me just go ahead and figure "Screw it, my software... I purchased it all... I'll crack 'em all so I can play without the CDs."
And I did.
As is apparent... yes, I have strong opinions about what I get when I lay my money down.
To the extent that I have actually stopped purchasing NovaLogic titles because they have become militant in their online attempts at protecting the software.
They have every right to protect their property, but no right to punish legit cash paying gamers while pursuing the non-legit ones.
No, I was never banned... but I had friends get bit by accident.
So my last NovaLogic game CD (Black Hawk Down) is now a coaster to set my coffee on.
Too bad, NovaLogic was always one of my favorites.

Anyhow, I think I've said all there is to say on this.
My apologies for being longwinded.

Happy Gaming,


Jul 30, 2004
In britain in a small town.
A GUID ban would be good, but it is a catch 22 situation as the fact there is cr@x0rZ for them. It can be exploited eventually, that is the only irremovable flaw with most software used to operate things like this. The kickvoting is excellent as there is no feasible way to exploit it. There is theoretically, but it hasn't been coded yet or I think. Release date please if poss and there should be a blacklist of players on which would be updated everyday by someone with nothing better to do.