Announcement: 2 projects in concept.

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DCGD Founder
Feb 19, 2001
Greetings to all:

I just wanted to let all the regulars on this particular forum know about two Unreal engine-based projects that are in concept right now within the Diversified Community of Game Developers.

The Wheel of Time: Elayna
This will be a series of single-player story-driven minimods for Legend Entertainment's "The Wheel of Time". For those of you who have played the original game, The Wheel of Time: Elayna is set many years before the events of that game and will tell the story of Elayna Sedai of the Brown Ajah beginning just days after she is raised to the Shawl. Her quest throughout the series will be to seek out ancient knowledge and to discover the uses for a vast arsenal of ter'angreal, with Black Ajah, Darkfriends, shadowspawn and Children of the Light at every turn.

Each subsequent "episode" in this series will build on what has come before introducing interesting places and people to the rich world of Robert Jordan's best-selling series of novels.

Status: In Concept

The Great Journey
This will be a series of single-player story-driven minimods for Unreal Tournament. The Great Journey is set roughly 100 years in our future and will tell the story of the brave crew of a star cruiser on the very first mission of manned deep-space exploration. Awe-inspiring discoveries and chilling confrontations await the crew as they explore alien worlds and investigate unusual anomalies in the vast expanse of space...

Each subsequent "episode" in this series will build upon what has come before giving a sense of realistic continuity to the overall story.

Status: Pre-production

The DCGD is looking for talented individuals to assist with the development of these projects. Those who Qualify for membership to their design team will have at least one of the following:

-Familliarity with Unreal engine map editing
-Some skill with UnrealScript
-Experience with 3D Studio Max or comparable 3D design utility
-Skill with 2D graphics.
-Sound development
-Music Composition
-Ability to conceptualize good stories
-Familiarity with the story of the Wheel of Time novels (for the Elayna project)

We will take whatever help we can get for these projects, as we are looking to not only get them done as quickly as possible, but to allow everyone participating in the development an opportunity to expand and fine-tune their development skills.

If you are interested, please e-mail me at [email protected] and we'll see what we can do. Be sure you let me know which project you wish to help with

Thank you for your time

Take care, and God bless...


DCGD Founder
Feb 19, 2001

I take this is... What is this?
Retail game or TC/mod thing?

"The Wheel of Time: Elayna" is going to be a partial conversion for Legend's "The Wheel of Time"

The Great Journey will be a partial conversion for Unreal Tournament. It will be designed for single play and will be story-driven

The Great Journey thing sounds cool if its well done

I am pleased to say that we have two very good map designer working on this project. As soon as we get some of the assets done, we'll be putting a web site online.


Each installment of the series will be developed individually, but based on what has happened before. Like a television series almost. And we're going to let you all have some influence on where the series will be going. More on that at the propper time.

Any questions or comments?


Aug 12, 2001
I'd be interested in music production for UT. I'm currently unavailable though:rolleyes:
Contact me later though if you still need positions filled, I'd be happy to contribute.